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Any CCs with no rules, no obligations and just having fun?

Sat, Feb 16 2013 6:19 AM (34 replies)
  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 2:19 PM

    Allowed to play whenever with whomever; especially 18-hole A/S Stroke play.  If so, I'd be interested?  Thanks :)

  • fecks11
    235 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 6:37 PM

    I would love to join a CC like this, Good fun and no tantrums when the easily offended get up on their high horse.

  • tigerfan1506
    3,193 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 7:24 PM

    Please dont take offense to this, but, you have ZERO friends. CC's are all about making friends. 

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 8:00 PM

    Hey Oldstir, join The Golferz Lounge. We provide tournaments for all level of play (according to your average). We also will be having some awesome Ideas for special tourneys coming up. We give out pro shop items for prizes and more!

  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 10:31 AM


    Please dont take offense to this, but, you have ZERO friends. CC's are all about making friends. 

    Yes I did take offense to your ill-considered judgment of someone, as almost anyone would IMO? :) I think for most people, it's common understanding that when someone couches comments toward a person by also saying: "please don't take offense"; then the comments are indeed usually meant to be offensive perhaps?  Regardless, I purposely chose not to use the 'Friends option' and why I did so, is none of Your business.  IMO, while I respect that you are certainly entitled to your opinion that "CC's are all about making friends"; does not necessarily mean everyone must agree with Your opinion or you'll send them a note criticizing them. ;)

    Secondly, you didn't even address the 'topic'. IMO, apparently, all you wanted to do was judge and criticize someone based on how many so-called game-site "friends" they have while completely ignoring the fact that the topic is all about looking into joining a CC? ;) Which is opposite to your inference that: "CC's are all about making friends" and therefore hypocritical and if most CC members behave like you just did; that would be just one seriously legitimate reason why someone might choose to avoid CCs, IMO? Also IMO, for example, your response is no different than assuming someone is a coward in their "opinion", because they wouldn't accept an invite to play a difficult course like Oakmont? So they send the person a Wall post saying, for example; 'Please don't take offense to this, but, it may be considered cowardly to refuse an invite to play. Invites are all about making friends.' etc. etc. etc. That's Life Lesson #1, IMO.

    Nor does 'choosing not to use the Friends option', imply that someone is neither a good or bad person nor a social or non-social person.  Did you ever stop to think that some people have enough friends in their life whom are not online and joined the game site strictly to play golf and simply don't want to nor need to try to find more friends on a game site? ;)  Besides, there is Facebook and other social sites that are perhaps more preferable and conducive for finding friends but to each their own? That's Life Lesson #2. And finally, IMO, you need to learn to respect other people's choices on this game site and learn not to say anything unless you have something kind or objectively constructive to say, stop assuming things which you know nothing about and then make careless statements based on an ignorant assumption.  Hope you've learned a lesson from this but that was my sincerely well-considered and well-intentioned response to your remarks? :)  Bless you and have a great day!


  • connorken
    643 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 10:45 AM

    Kind Sir, We have 1 position available at Chardonnay Country Club, -0- expectations, play when you want however you want. Set up your own tournaments and just have fun. I have limited the CC to just 15 players, never more sometimes less. It truly is your choice. If you would like to join us then I will welcome you as an Ambassador. CK

    You can see her here:

  • Kelsey12
    2,114 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 3:01 PM



    Please dont take offense to this, but, you have ZERO friends. CC's are all about making friends. 

    Yes I did take offense to your ill-considered judgment of someone, as almost anyone would IMO? :) I think for most people, it's common understanding that when someone couches comments toward a person by also saying: "please don't take offense"; then the comments are indeed usually meant to be offensive perhaps?  Regardless, I purposely chose not to use the 'Friends option' and why I did so, is none of Your business.  IMO, while I respect that you are certainly entitled to your opinion that "CC's are all about making friends"; does not necessarily mean everyone must agree with Your opinion or you'll send them a note criticizing them. ;)

    Secondly, you didn't even address the 'topic'. IMO, apparently, all you wanted to do was judge and criticize someone based on how many so-called game-site "friends" they have while completely ignoring the fact that the topic is all about looking into joining a CC? ;) Which is opposite to your inference that: "CC's are all about making friends" and therefore hypocritical and if most CC members behave like you just did; that would be just one seriously legitimate reason why someone might choose to avoid CCs, IMO? Also IMO, for example, your response is no different than assuming someone is a coward in their "opinion", because they wouldn't accept an invite to play a difficult course like Oakmont? So they send the person a Wall post saying, for example; 'Please don't take offense to this, but, it may be considered cowardly to refuse an invite to play. Invites are all about making friends.' etc. etc. etc. That's Life Lesson #1, IMO.

    Nor does 'choosing not to use the Friends option', imply that someone is neither a good or bad person nor a social or non-social person.  Did you ever stop to think that some people have enough friends in their life whom are not online and joined the game site strictly to play golf and simply don't want to nor need to try to find more friends on a game site? ;)  Besides, there is Facebook and other social sites that are perhaps more preferable and conducive for finding friends but to each their own? That's Life Lesson #2. And finally, IMO, you need to learn to respect other people's choices on this game site and learn not to say anything unless you have something kind or objectively constructive to say, stop assuming things which you know nothing about and then make careless statements based on an ignorant assumption.  Hope you've learned a lesson from this but that was my sincerely well-considered and well-intentioned response to your remarks? :)  Bless you and have a great day!

    As the owner of Mozzville International, I assure you this is not indicative of the caliber of member we allow within our normally untarnished walls. She only recently joined us, and had I known the level of insolent contempt she held for the elderly, I never would have allowed her entry. I fell victim to her insults myself when, after having penned a more than welcoming post in our forum for her - even lavishing her with fake autographed photos of Justin Bieber - she responded with a quip about my age, equating her joining our CC with visiting her grandparents. The audacity... I fear her time with us will be short lived.

    Anywho, it appears you went to great lengths to put her in her place after leaving such a thoughtless response. How one chooses to play the game should be of no concern to anyone else - be it someone who decides not to partake in the friending aspect of the site, or a level 26 Amateur with a 61 average... who are any of us to judge another?

    Good luck in your quest for a suitable Country Club, and may you have a blessed day as well.

  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 12:21 PM

    I won't argue with you tigerfan1506 nor will I respond to any further comments from you.  Kind regards.

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2013 8:55 PM



    Please dont take offense to this, but, you have ZERO friends. CC's are all about making friends. 

    Yes I did take offense to your ill-considered judgment of someone, as almost anyone would IMO? :) I think for most people, it's common understanding that when someone couches comments toward a person by also saying: "please don't take offense"; then the comments are indeed usually meant to be offensive perhaps?  Regardless, I purposely chose not to use the 'Friends option' and why I did so, is none of Your business.  IMO, while I respect that you are certainly entitled to your opinion that "CC's are all about making friends"; does not necessarily mean everyone must agree with Your opinion or you'll send them a note criticizing them. ;)

    Secondly, you didn't even address the 'topic'. IMO, apparently, all you wanted to do was judge and criticize someone based on how many so-called game-site "friends" they have while completely ignoring the fact that the topic is all about looking into joining a CC? ;) Which is opposite to your inference that: "CC's are all about making friends" and therefore hypocritical and if most CC members behave like you just did; that would be just one seriously legitimate reason why someone might choose to avoid CCs, IMO? Also IMO, for example, your response is no different than assuming someone is a coward in their "opinion", because they wouldn't accept an invite to play a difficult course like Oakmont? So they send the person a Wall post saying, for example; 'Please don't take offense to this, but, it may be considered cowardly to refuse an invite to play. Invites are all about making friends.' etc. etc. etc. That's Life Lesson #1, IMO.

    Nor does 'choosing not to use the Friends option', imply that someone is neither a good or bad person nor a social or non-social person.  Did you ever stop to think that some people have enough friends in their life whom are not online and joined the game site strictly to play golf and simply don't want to nor need to try to find more friends on a game site? ;)  Besides, there is Facebook and other social sites that are perhaps more preferable and conducive for finding friends but to each their own? That's Life Lesson #2. And finally, IMO, you need to learn to respect other people's choices on this game site and learn not to say anything unless you have something kind or objectively constructive to say, stop assuming things which you know nothing about and then make careless statements based on an ignorant assumption.  Hope you've learned a lesson from this but that was my sincerely well-considered and well-intentioned response to your remarks? :)  Bless you and have a great day!


    Is that why most CC on this site is mostly in restricting to tournaments, MP, and all kinds of things to keep you from playing when or how you feel in this game. CC does not mean keep someone locked up. Also as for friends. Do friends just tell someone how to play, but only that with ones that are struggling to move on average? I thought a friend is to be supportive and willing to help them with their troubles. I stop looking for CC, because of the lack of real friendships. Friends does not mean keeping someone in a CC just to get only what they want, but make every one in the club happy. Well, there is not a club on this site that actually cares whether someone wants to play these restricted games or rules they make or not. So I am one that will never ever join a CC again. These are not friends if they are not willing to lose or serve others to help them. If it is all about being who is better than others, then you can keep these CC's and shove it. CC's are not meant to be like a prison. Friends is not telling someone they need to shut up to your specific words. If you don't like what someone said, then you are taking the offense. You know what people say about those that get offended easily. They are not any better than the ones that don't take offense. I am not offended by anyone on this site. I just don't keep friends that don't think giving up one game to help someone that is struggling with progressing in this game. If they are going to be stingy and try only to act like they are better than others on this site, then they aren't very good friends.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2013 9:17 PM



    CC is for those who choose to play like minded games.




    Some clubs advertise they will help lower tier, etc...many don't....find one that suits you.


    I'd have to ask the OP, if he want's a club that does not require participation...why join a club?