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how do i find out who gave me a gift?

rated by 0 users
Wed, Feb 13 2013 11:59 AM (20 replies)
    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 8:13 AM


    Ok i was talking about a message on wgt NOT email. Thanks for the info. I thought i would use the bold print lol. 

    Lol, just trying to help people find out who sent them gifts, nothing else. And true, you only get a PM if that person is on your friends list, if not, the only way to find out is via email.

    P.S.: No bold this time ;-)

    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 9:28 AM


    You always get a notification of who sent you what and his personal message (if he wrote one) directly to your email.
    There are multiple known issues where mails from the WGT servers do not arrive at the recipient.

    One example, true for me:

    For quite a while I haven't been informed about tournaments,

    neither "you haven't played ... yet" nor "a new tournament has been created in your CC".

    True, some parts of the emailing system have been problematic for some time now. In those cases it helps if the tourney organizer clicks on send reminder to play when he creates the tourney. But from my experience, there has never been a problem with gift notifications via email.

    IMO things that have send something back to the person who sent you the gift (paraphrased) don't experience any issues getting through to the recipient. I wonder why? ;-)

    P.S.: And your suggestion to check into my account details was great, I never thought of that. And I can also confirm it works.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 9:42 AM

    Not true. You always get a notification of who sent you what and his personal message (if he wrote one) directly to your email.

    Wrong again, honey. I went through every possible scenario looking for the donor, including the junk mail folder where WGT stuff goes. I still don't know who sent it.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 10:04 AM

    I am sure everything is recorded in your account. 

    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 10:15 AM


    Not true. You always get a notification of who sent you what and his personal message (if he wrote one) directly to your email.

    Wrong again, honey. I went through every possible scenario looking for the donor, including the junk mail folder where WGT stuff goes. I still don't know who sent it.


    Strange, I've always received it and people I gifted stuff always said they were notified. Nonetheless, Alosso's suggestion should still work, just go to your account tab and you should be able to find who sent you the Callies (apart from me, lol).

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 10:19 AM

    True, some parts of the emailing system have been problematic for some time now. In those cases it helps if the tourney organizer clicks on send reminder to play when he creates the tourney. But from my experience, there has never been a problem with gift notifications via email.
    Excuse me and please take no offence, but I don't want workarounds, I want the system to work.

    Of course you don't experience problems if the mails arrive in your mailbox. Here they do not arrive.

    I haven't seen these tournament mails for quite a while,

    I don't get no more stroke play challenges,

    I didn't receive gift mails from the December giftings and so on.

    These are only small curtailments to my comfort.

    Most important is that I as a CC owner don't receive notifications about members of my CC, concerning new and leaving members. For this deficiency, there is no workaround available except extensive checks on the member list.

    This alone is irritating, and to receive no answers from WGT is annoying.

    I once said that customers are being ignored - this is another proof to it IMHO.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 10:23 AM

    Wrong again, honey. I went through every possible scenario looking for the donor, including the junk mail folder where WGT stuff goes. I still don't know who sent it.


    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 10:26 AM

    Excuse me and please take no offence, but I don't want workarounds, I want the system to work.


    No offence taken (not sure how could I even get offended by this ;-)). And I agree completely, the messaging system SHOULD BE FIXED ASAP. Same goes for all the rest that CC owners seem to be asking for years now, but sadly with no result.

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 10:36 AM

    all you have to do is click on account then transaction history and if it goes back far enough the gift will be there. I believe it shows who sent the gift there. I know it shows the gift in the transaction history but can't recall if the sender is listed or not. But I believe so.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 11:04 AM

    LMAO. Andyson scores!

    Trust me, guys, that gift giver slipped through the cracks. I know about all the possible ways to find out and went through them.

    Heh-Maybe whoever gave them to me will see this and 'fess up.  :-D