Hanswurst72:it seems to be a programming issue of WGT, that I am not the right contact person for.
+1 about the reason
There has been a report here that the transfer of ownership didn't work because the mail(!) to the new owner didn't arrive - it contains the acceptance link. I pidgeonhole this to my problem.
Alas, I'm reluctant to invest more energy - "Buchbinder Wanninger" is tired. Thus, IMHO, a systematic evasion of proper answers has worked once more - "case solved" with minimum effort. "Let's continue to raise the revenue!"
Some rethinking started for me with the video chat - "take things to the forum before asking me". This slap in the community's (and my) face was aggravated by some incredible words of the suspected former "community manager", and the peek has been the recent ignorance of my simple question "Will I get an answer from you?" by WGTadmin.
I still like the game - had a perfect round this morning - but I'm through with "customer support" (present moderator excluded).
Thank you again!