Please do not hold yourbreath awaiting their reply. Of all my complaints, they only answeed once - blaming everyhing on TrialPay. But that doesn't sit well with me ... I've had too many offers (from different sources, not just TrialPay) which have given me no credit.
I have figured out a few things ... offers which go to other sites are usually bogus; ofers which go to other sites and have that thin heading at the top which says "Complete offer toe arn ### credits!" on the left and "Report Problems" on the right always seem to be bogus. And most trials (PCH, hulu, etc.) are BS as well.
It is not an exaggertion to say I have now earned over 3,000 credits which have not been issued. I'm complaining to Golf Channel since they seem to have some deal working with WGT. Maybe if enough folks complain to them, WGT will fix the problems with its vendors. (But I'll admit that cannot help wondering how legitimate the offers are... we give our personal info to some of these sites - for nothing. Is it cynical to wonder if WGT wants us spending more real $$ on equipment as opposed to credits? I've only had 2 semesters of business law years ago, but it seems we have upheld our end of the contract ... by responding to the vendors' offers.)
Okay, I'm off my soapbox now. It' just a shame to discover a fun game, but have it tarnished by either dishonesty or incompetence.