The whole inconsistency thing is overstated.
There are the occasional WTH shots, dinged shots starting off in directions you haven't aimed, but they are fairly few and far between.
The game is fairly solid and once you learn the ins and outs you can quite easily average scores that you couldn't dream of in real life.
If you want to be a top player though, well hope you are good at maths!!!
If you find the game horribly inconsistent, you should ask for some advice, there are a lot of nuances to the game, especially when it comes to putting and chipping.
The best example of this, is the fact that in putting its preferential to avoid hitting the ding, and plan to push or pull it depending on the break, if you have any questions, here to help.
The only qualms I have with the game, are the fact that equipment is very expensive and the swing bar is incosistent at times, these are the things that stop me playing it very often, not the general quality of the game, which is actually pretty high.