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AJRoberts and Friends recruiting.

rated by 0 users
Tue, Feb 19 2013 3:30 AM (1 replies)
  • AJRoberts
    1,276 Posts
    Mon, Feb 18 2013 6:53 AM

    Hi all,

    We are currently looking to recruit new members to our fold. We are pretty slack with the rules, altho if people don't play in the CC stuff for a month or two they will be removed, and we're very friendly we keep our members to a maximum of 50 so we can all be familiar with one another. 

    There is a main tourney each week hosted by me (AJRoberts) and various other comps hosted by some of our members!

    We play many CC v CCs and are a good place to be part of - no restrictions on your location.

    If you're after fun, a relaxed atmosphere and a great bunch of people who can take things seriously if the need arises - give us a go - join for a month and see what you think, if it's not for you - move on with no repercussions and not a bad word against you!


  • AJRoberts
    1,276 Posts
    Tue, Feb 19 2013 3:30 AM

    We'd really like to collar a couple of other Aussie based players if there are any of you out there - one of our longest serving members, and incidentally the first (of now a third of our membership) player(s) in our CC to reach the LEGEND tier, Wobblyone has been Australia's sole regular representative of the CC for far too long and we'd like some compatriots for him.

    Any tier welcome although if you're a Master or above that tends to show that you're at least a regular player which is what we're after!
