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Chain-booters? Have a seat.

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Tue, Feb 26 2013 10:43 AM (17 replies)
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  • callmepooky
    53 Posts
    Thu, Feb 21 2013 5:36 PM on "remove" in the bottom right of their player box. I think it has an "X" next to it. if you already have 1 or 2 people you want to play with and you do this it does take away the option for you to tee off until someone else joins.

  • lilpistol724
    128 Posts
    Thu, Feb 21 2013 5:42 PM



    People have a right to be selective about their opponents.  The solution, if you don't want to get booted, is to start your own game and then you can play with whomever joins.

    well, if folks attempting to join a match had a choice rather than being placed in the same room again and again then I'd 100% agree.

    bottom line, system flawed - big time


    This is a fair point I think, for example there are times when I want to play Alt Shot but there's no one of a comparable skill level for me to play with.  They're either new players or super-experienced Legends, and while everyone has the right to play, it would be nice to have the option to avoid those rooms.  And I'll agree with the bottom line insofar as the system does need some work.

  • callmepooky
    53 Posts
    Thu, Feb 21 2013 5:54 PM

    ok, so in the "player rank" option we need to be able to choose a particular tier and higher, a particular tier and lower, and also have the option of choosing a particular tier "only". I think right now there is a "tour legend only" option.

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Thu, Feb 21 2013 6:20 PM

    or better yet, have a game lobby showing matches that need a player.  I'd bet dollars to donuts that much of the time, there are many many games being created and are not filled because of it.  too many created and searching for players and not enough joining matches already created.  just an though

  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Thu, Feb 21 2013 6:29 PM

    This crap happens a lot. What is even worse is when you wait for a minute or so and then they do it. However, I have never understood why. I believe most of them are sandbaggers that are worried a legend will call them out. However, they just pass up an opportunity to learn something.

  • callmepooky
    53 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 9:36 AM

    i agree, any lower tiered player who chooses not to play you must be a sandbagger. im sure they arent smart enough to know that a higher tiered player has more expirience and access to superior equipment. im sure they arent trying to save up credits for new clubs or balls so how dare they not do their duty and pay for a "lesson".

  • callmepooky
    53 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 10:43 AM

    sorry for previous sarcastic post. was throwing a little baby fit because recently played a legend. his score history showed it was his 2nd time on the blitz course we were playing. he posted a lower score than most of the tour pro/masters that i have played in the 40+ times i had played that course in the last month. he missed a green and put another 1 in the bunker. since it appeared i was going to win, which i was very excited to actually be in position to beat a legend, he tells me to "hurry up and hit, sandbagger" on the last hole! i was expecting a little praise for winning but got a kick in the gut instead. should just feel lucky to have won but felt the need to vent, sorry again.

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