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which do i join...

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Thu, Feb 21 2013 5:39 AM (8 replies)
  • tim1artist
    5 Posts
    Tue, Feb 19 2013 8:14 PM

    ok, which CC do i join, w/o hurting the friend(s) that invited me to join theirs?

  • thewonderstuff
    1,436 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 3:37 AM

    when i 1st started playing i joined a cc made up of family,friends and work colleagues and left after a couple of months because i needed more of a challenge and i havent looked back since! so my advice would be to find a cc that suits you regardless of your friend(s), and being in a different cc doesnt mean ye have to stop playing the game with them!


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 3:44 AM


    I love to be in my CC, but I play with those on my friends list - obviously some I found through the CC but most from outside.

    It's important for CC tourneys, inter-CC competitions and bragging rights for those who care about the who-is-who of their CC.

  • TuckerPrestonJr
    1,380 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 4:00 AM

    Palm Beach Kiawah Golf Club, no drama, just fun and golf...Our goal is an active international membership.... 55 nations and counting.  Say it's a chance to meet the world.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 6:50 AM

    It's good to choose one that has a good few people from your time-zone, otherwise it can get kind of lonely.

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 9:46 AM

    just pick one !! usually the larger clubs will have tourneys for different tiers. if you don't like what-ever club you join then try another.

  • tim1artist
    5 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 6:37 PM

    alrighty, i’ll look for players in my time zone, first….any players on the east coast, EST zone?

  • KevinFleenor
    1,455 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 10:14 PM

    Take your time & window shop. 

    Not everyone stays in the first club they joined up with, and there is a ton of diverse clubs to look at. I don't think many owners would have a problem with opening their doors and letting you look around to see if it's the right fit for you. If it turns out that it's not a comfy fit and doesn't have the amenities you're looking for - or too many amenities - then I figure the majority of clubs won't have hard feelings should you decide to move on and check another one out. 

    It should be fairly apparent whether it's up your alley or not within a couple days. Be sure to check out their club's forum too, as that is usually the backbone of what's going on. Some clubs have websites too, which should give a decent picture of what they're up to. 

    From large to small, relaxed to hyper-active, mixed tiers to high end only, highly organized to loose and laid back... there's bound to be a club for everyone. And if you run through a handful of clubs and just don't feel it - it's cheap enough to make your own too. 

  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Thu, Feb 21 2013 5:39 AM


    It's good to choose one that has a good few people from your time-zone, otherwise it can get kind of lonely.

     Sent you a FR because i respect a lot of what you have to say and your kindness, never got a response, i know your club is full, just wanted to become a friend with a person with your kind of views. Also we at Bridgestone CC have some very active tourneys, very active members and some of the best mentors in the game, they helped me reach Legend by Level 83, we do have some alt shot, MP, but tons of tourneys, which i try to play all i can, but we have so many i cant keep up sometimes LOL.