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Tue, Feb 26 2013 12:26 PM (45 replies)
  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 6:59 AM

    So, I'm looking for input from players, and hopefully, WGT also.  Here is my question, with a bit of history tacked on after the question.

    When is the end result of a shot on WGT determined (where the ball will come to rest)? Is it the instant that the virtual club hits the virtual ball?  Is it when the ball finaly comes to rest? Is it before the ball is hit?  I'd like responses to that question.

     I'd offer that, theoretically, in real golf, it's the instant the club hits the's going to end up where it ends up...but, then again, there is wind, cart paths, rocks, trees, sand, water,, the end result is not known until the ball finally comes to rest. So, I'm not sure what the practical "real golf" answer is either.

    Where am I going with this?.....If you've already made up your mind about the question above, here is a little history that may, or may not change your opinion.  Back in the WGT days of only having Bali Hai, if you clicked on the scorecard immediately after an opposing player hit the ball, the end result would show on their scorecard before the ball had even hit the ground. It would show....fringe...6.3 ft...whatever...while the ball was still moving.  So, the programming must have determined the end result at the instant the player made the final click.  I'm not tech savvy enough to know if that's just a no-brainer has to be that way...I haven't played that game, or tried to click on the scorecard in a CTTH in a couple of years, but, was always kind of curious what the group thought...and would wonder if anyone cares enough to try and see if that is still the case..

    Opinions, conspiracy theories, scientific analysis, someone playing to see if you can still check the scorecard right after a player hits a ball, a Yancy investigatory, etc...all welcomed

  • SafariMan62
    222 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 7:24 AM

    I believe it is determined as soon as you click!   Many times as i played a blitz, I hit what seems to be a very bad shot and because of a weird bounce or something like that it gets under 10 feet and you hear the "heartbeat" .  BUT, the heartbeat started immediately after the click and didn't wait for the weird bounce, hence the computer knew instantly it was a good shot.....


    1,189 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 7:33 AM

    When is the end result of a shot on WGT determined (where the ball will come to rest)? Is it the instant that the virtual club hits the virtual ball?


    Yes, it happens at the time you click. Proof: Whenever somebody makes the winning shot on the last hole of an MP game, you'll turn green even before you see the ball hit (since there's a slight delay between the time your opponent clicks his shot and the time the ball actually starts to move on your screen). So if you're ever anxious about whether or not your opponent (or alt shot partner) will sink a long putt or hole his approach, just have the status bar open and if you're not yet green by the time you see the ball move, it means he missed it. 

    P.S.: Same thing goes when it's you who's shooting.

  • jaderoks
    571 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 7:34 AM

    My guess is it's determined as soon as you hit the shot. My reason for this the game always pauses on my last shot of the game. I remember a few months back when I had my approach shot on 18 at Kiawah. I hit the shot and the game paused for about 3 or 4 seconds. I knew as soon as that happened it was an eagle and sure enough it was.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 7:39 AM

    Yes, i even think ready go's are pre-determined, a pool of players will score winning scores, while the others get deviation effected rounds.  i might get a "hot" ready go today where even missed dings on WIND SIDE will land within 2 yards and might score 55, yet play exactly the same next time but wind wont effect shots and even missed ding by a fraction OPPOSITE TO WIND will make ball fly 12 yards left/right and all my clubs will seem 5 or 6 yards wrong.  Where say my 165 iron full spin in 10 mph headwind yesterday landed on 154 yards today it lands on 161 (or 147)

    have you noticed that no matter what you do, some holes you will only score par in certain rounds (even if those holes are usually "gimme" birdies)

    same with putting, putts are either "programmed" to drop or not.  if you are getting one of those "deviation" score limitation rounds a putt with left to right break might go straight, yet next time you aim in same place and break effects shot and it curls into hole.  Thats the thing about WGT no 2 rounds are the same.  Inconsistent? or programmed to be like this.?

    Just like the patented VEM, the more birdies you will get in a row the game then becomes more difficult and deviation effected hence a 100 yard wedge in 12 mph headwind travelling  full distance, or getting effected as if it was 20 mph wind. How many times have you scored -8 or -9 for front only for you to struggle on back as if you're clubs/wind are all wrong?  You also get the opposite of that, can start poorly and not be able to land within 5 yards and maybe get 2 or 3 birdies only for game to suddenly change and you start landing within 1 or 2 yards even with slices.  All this does is show me that our games get manipulated by WGT's programming so could we say that rounds are what you might described as a bit rigged at times??

    I've lost count of how many times in a challenge match I've been 3 up and on fire only for game to suddenly change and all my shots seem to overshoot or come short, or If i aim left for wind it wont effect shot and my precision circle has changed from 1 yard to 5+ and I get clawed back to A/S.  (happens other way round too)  Also a lot of shots seem to correspond with opponent at times too, say he/she land 6 yards from hole your shot will suddenly land 6 yards from hole too.  Yet with all this I still play WGT daily because even If rounds are "manipulated" at times, there's no other place I'd rather be than playing virtual golf with "virtual friends"

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 7:40 AM

    Yep - the "heartbeat" is one  good proof.

    The other is the last shot of any round. Oops - Jade beat me to that. The delay is longer when the CDP bonus has to be awarded.

    In this moment, when you hit the last stroke, the site will also look up if you are in time for a tournament. If too late, it will not start but be replaced by the "time over, forget your birdies" flag.

  • 7thwave
    556 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 7:47 AM


    Yes, i even think ready go's are pre-determined, a pool of players will score winning scores, while the others get deviation effected rounds.  i might get a "hot" ready go today where even missed dings on WIND SIDE will land within 2 yards and might score 55, yet play exactly the same next time but wind wont effect shots and even missed ding by a fraction OPPOSITE TO WIND will make ball fly 12 yards left/right and all my clubs will seem 5 or 6 yards wrong.  Where say my 165 iron full spin in 10 mph headwind yesterday landed on 154 yards today it lands on 161 (or 147)

    have you noticed that no matter what you do, some holes you will only score par in certain rounds (even if those holes are usually "gimme" birdies)

    same with putting, putts are either "programmed" to drop or not.  if you are getting one of those "deviation" score limitation rounds a putt with left to right break might go straight, yet next time you aim in same place and break effects shot and it curls into hole.  Thats the thing about WGT no 2 rounds are the same.  Inconsistent? or programmed to be like this.?

    Just like the patented VEM, the more birdies you will get in a row the game then becomes more difficult and deviation effected hence a 100 yard wedge in 12 mph headwind travelling  full distance, or getting effected as if it was 20 mph wind. How many times have you scored -8 or -9 for front only for you to struggle on back as if you're clubs/wind are all wrong?  You also get the opposite of that, can start poorly and not be able to land within 5 yards and maybe get 2 or 3 birdies only for game to suddenly change and you start landing within 1 or 2 yards even with slices.  All this does is show me that our games get manipulated by WGT's programming so could we say that rounds are what you might described as a bit rigged at times??

    I've lost count of how many times in a challenge match I've been 3 up and on fire only for game to suddenly change and all my shots seem to overshoot or come short, or If i aim left for wind it wont effect shot and I get clawed back to A/S.  (happens other way round too)  Also a lot of shots seem to correspond with opponent at times too, say he/she land 6 yards from hole your shot will suddenly land 6 yards from hole too

    I'm sorry Chris. You are starting to sound like a broken record. We get the message!! We got it months ago....We play, we see it, we get frustrated like hell....We think about quitting....No need to keep repeating it over and over and over and over again.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 8:05 AM

    No one's forcing you to read anything, If you dont like It dont read it SIMPLE! Just an opinion, nothing to do with frustration or game pi5ing me off, given my challenge match winnings last 2 days Its like I'm in charge of programming

    1,189 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 8:40 AM

    given my challenge match winnings last 2 days Its like I'm in charge of programming


    Lol, it could be that, or it could have something to do with the fact that none of the 6 players jyou beat in the last 3 days had an average below 61, one of them was even a 66 avg master (talking bout stealing candy from a baby, lmao). But please, don't consider this to be a challenge from me to you. I'm not delusional and I'm not in the habit of throwing my credits away just for the fun of it.

    As for the ding bug you mentioned in your previous post, it's very real, although I've only experienced it on some holes and if I remember it correctly, they were the same ones (like RSG #11 with left to right wind). I found myself in the right hand rough a few times with 20 mph L to R wind, marker set waaaaay left and a dinged shot. I agree, it sucks when that happens.

  • brianusa
    187 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 9:10 AM

    I'm sorry Chris. You are starting to sound like a broken record. We get the message!! We got it months ago....We play, we see it, we get frustrated like hell....We think about quitting....No need to keep repeating it over and over and over and over again


    I for one appreciate your hourly rants.  Please keep them up.  

    Maybe if more players of your quality embark on a campaign to get WGT to clean up their act it will make a difference.  Nobody at my level or up to 90 really can make a difference.  All the WGT fanboi swoon at WGTs feet if anyone inexperienced grumbles about the crappy inconsistencies in the game.

    FYI: I despise the new ding randomizer and really dislike the lack of adequate shot control (fade/draw).  Of course these pale in comparison to the 100's of bugs that go unfixed with each new elite collection release.