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Tue, Feb 26 2013 12:26 PM (45 replies)
  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 9:13 AM

    The physics engine only takes microseconds to determine the trajectory of the ball after the instant of impact. The landing point can be determined by applying the precision/forgiveness/VEM deviation. The rollout can be determined just as rapidly as soon as terrain contours at the landing point are known.

    (I have programmed this for myself. There are myriad examples on the web.)

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 9:29 AM

    just have the status bar open and if you're not yet green by the time you see the ball move, it means he missed it. 


    Can you explain this a bit more.... browser status bar? TIA

  • 7thwave
    556 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 9:41 AM


    at my level or up to 90 really can make a difference.  .........


    @ Chris. Somehow i got the impression you were getting frustrated. My bad...

    @Brianusa: i disagree there. WGT is run by the big numbers not by individual ((very) good) ones. There are way more players up to level 90 then over it. Big numbers of players need to unite and stand up. 1 or even 100 top players can shout all they want, but if the big numbers are increasing (number of unique hits per month, equipm. sales etc) WGT doesn't care less if player xyz is leaving because something pisses him off. All individual players are expandable, recycleble..No hearts breaking when Chris, me or whoever decides he's had enough and leaves..

    Eventually, we are all supposed to leave, esp. those not spending money anymore to get credits i would suspect.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 9:42 AM

    I believe (may be wrong) that WGTNiv explained that the shot is predetermined before impact.


    I/e, based on your spin, aim and power at the time of release, the shots are then set based on where you hit the ding line...meaning that the shots are already calculated and the final "calculation" is based on where the meter is stopped.


    That's how I recall his explanation anyways...maybe someone else will recall it better?

    1,189 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 9:52 AM


    just have the status bar open and if you're not yet green by the time you see the ball move, it means he missed it. 


    Can you explain this a bit more.... browser status bar? TIA

    Your status in the gameclient, where you can see who your friends is green and it also show your own status (available, busy, etc.) 

  • vajda
    106 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 8:09 AM

    I read a status of one of player on wgt and it stated...who is the best player on wgt? and the answer he gave was wgt. Basically, meaning it's a computer game and that's the limitations computers have to pretty much let technology do the work, if that makes sense. Thanks for the post, good one, and have fun on the links. Brad 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 8:36 AM

    Good thoughts, 7W.


    Eventually, we are all supposed to leave, esp. those not spending money anymore to get credits i would suspect.
    the establishment of the Tour Legend tier was counterproductive to that target. Dropping the gift cards would have been more efficient if their (uniform?) business strategy were like you said.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Sun, Feb 24 2013 2:42 AM

    I have noticed this before when l'm putting for example on the last hole, if my avatar takes the backswing, if there is a pause then i can guarantee l've holed the putt.

    On several occassions i can hear a 'click' before the ball is struck, an example today l played a CC tourney at Oakmont, got to the 9th and my 2nd shot to the green was 205 yards, l have R11 irons so it was my 4 iron distance is 210 yds, l took my backswing and before l let go l heard an audible 'click' and there was the pause at the top of the backswing and l let go and didn't 'ding' the shot, l knew something would happen and my shot landed short of the flag and hit the pin, l looked at the replay and it was quite obvious that if l'd removed the pin l would have holed the shot for an eagle 2.


    So, I'm looking for input from players, and hopefully, WGT also.  Here is my question, with a bit of history tacked on after the question.

    When is the end result of a shot on WGT determined (where the ball will come to rest)? Is it the instant that the virtual club hits the virtual ball?  Is it when the ball finaly comes to rest? Is it before the ball is hit?  I'd like responses to that question.

     I'd offer that, theoretically, in real golf, it's the instant the club hits the's going to end up where it ends up...but, then again, there is wind, cart paths, rocks, trees, sand, water,, the end result is not known until the ball finally comes to rest. So, I'm not sure what the practical "real golf" answer is either.

    Where am I going with this?.....If you've already made up your mind about the question above, here is a little history that may, or may not change your opinion.  Back in the WGT days of only having Bali Hai, if you clicked on the scorecard immediately after an opposing player hit the ball, the end result would show on their scorecard before the ball had even hit the ground. It would show....fringe...6.3 ft...whatever...while the ball was still moving.  So, the programming must have determined the end result at the instant the player made the final click.  I'm not tech savvy enough to know if that's just a no-brainer has to be that way...I haven't played that game, or tried to click on the scorecard in a CTTH in a couple of years, but, was always kind of curious what the group thought...and would wonder if anyone cares enough to try and see if that is still the case..

    Opinions, conspiracy theories, scientific analysis, someone playing to see if you can still check the scorecard right after a player hits a ball, a Yancy investigatory, etc...all welcomed


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Feb 24 2013 3:54 AM

    I have commented on this subject many times, in other posts. I have never doubted, for an instance that the game is pre-determined. Of course, we initially set up the shot, expecting the ball to do what we planned. As soon as you click, all bets are off and you get what you get. Been up by 3 holes myself many times, just to see my R11's turn into Toys R Us Flintstone clubs. This in my opinion, is as the OP asked, pre-determined. No whines or cries from me, I expect it, it usually happens, and if it doesn't, then I will have a somewhat good round. For me that is a 32.

  • superewok
    39 Posts
    Sun, Feb 24 2013 4:48 AM

    I find this topic interesting and it goes a long way to explain the 'what the hell' type shots  that happen in some of the games I play, so if this theory is true, I can at least take scant comfort in the fact that I'm not just 'blaming my tools' when a shot goes haywire and I throw my club down in frustration.

    One thing I was wondering though... would the pre-determination of a shot include the HIO challenges as well?

    My thinking would be a set percentage of players, say 5% for example is set, and as long as your shot is approximately in the right direction, you will get the HIO if you are one of the chosen ones in the 5% pool of players - where otherwise the ball would be just an ok shot.

    The benefit of which (to WGT),  is those 'lucky' people come to the forums to boast of their success and maybe entice others into thinking they can do the same, when in fact they are entering into a lottery and not a game of skill.

    Anyway, can someone in the know please confirm/deny that any pre-determination is taking place in the HIO challenges?