WGTicon:i personally don't think it's needed as every hole is unique, so i'd recommend practice that hole instead of an entirely different surface.
So is that what the pros of golf do. Just try and play every hole of every possible course of every possible tournament.
Im pretty sure that the entire golfing world, when they want to "practice" goes to a driving range, a putting green and a chipping green.
Sure you can play practice rounds in real life, but when you want to tweak your swing, or try and enhance your draws or fades, or try a new kind of chip or pitch, etc, im pretty sure that you go to a practice facility.
I don't know for sure as I am not a tour pro or any pro for that matter, but I do believe that the tour pros and even club pros of the world spend countless hours at various types of practice facilities.
I personally could care less if there is one on WGT and am pretty sure there will never be one, unless they can charge you for it.....just saying, practice facilities are a part of golf and this is supposed to be the most realistic golfing game on the web