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ball in water

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Sat, Mar 2 2013 3:54 PM (18 replies)
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  • jld51
    406 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 9:05 AM

    I think you would sell more golf balls if you didn't take them away when hit in the water or weeds

    The answer is simple do not hit them there.

    How the hell can they sell more balls if they did not take them away. LMFAO

  • steadyeddy61
    11 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 11:46 AM

    Like magic I found 9 new balls in my bag.  I'm guessing it was you.  Are you busting my balls ?  Or genuinely being a nice person ?



  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 4:56 PM


    Like magic I found 9 new balls in my bag.  I'm guessing it was you.  Are you busting my balls ?  Or genuinely being a nice person ?


    I sent them. Not busting at all. You did the one thing hardly anyone does, you owned the fact the balls were lost due to your own play. Most blame WGT for their own mistakes so I thought I'd try to help you out.

    Hit 'em straight and have fun.


  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 5:12 PM

    that was preety cool of u man glad to see some of u people still out there.. the way the world is today...

  • Alshorstop0101
    3 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 5:32 PM

    Hey there,

    I am new to WGT and was wondering why balls keeping disappearing out of my bag

    I bought a 3 pack of the Max slow meter black vapor balls and did hit one in the water,but when I did it said that the current ball I was using was the last of them

    I then went and bought 2 more 3 packs.

    I also bought a 3 pack of the WGT GI3S vapor balls blue and a pop up came up and said that was the last one of those as well and I never lost one..Do the balls have some sort of time limit on them?


  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 5:16 AM

    Yes, the balls "wear out" after a certain number of hits (excluding putts). The game interface shows you how much life is left in the ball you are hitting, and tells you when the life of the ball is over and it is being replaced.

    Each ball is good for a couple of rounds, depending on the 'durability' of the ball. WGT doesn't say exactly how many strokes, but if you look around the forums you can find some pretty exact estimates.

  • Alshorstop0101
    3 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 3:01 PM

    Hmmmm..Funny they dont tell you that when you buy them..I could see if you lose them in the water but the fact that they "wear" out isn't too fair..I have rballs in my real bag that are older me..

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 9:59 AM


    Hmmmm..Funny they dont tell you that when you buy them..

    They do tell you when you buy them. It's called Durability and it's shown on the ball's page, and it's covered on the web sites FAQ pages :



    How are these balls different from the ball I already have in my bag?

    The golf balls for sale in the Pro Shop will give you some additional benefits over the basic ball you are given when you create an account. The new balls can give you additional distance, spin and feel. 

    Purchased balls also have a durability factor and they will wear out as you use them.

    What types of balls are available?

    By default, you get a standard unlimited WGT ball when you join World Golf Tour. You can purchase additional balls with different enhancements to use in the game in our virtual Pro Shop. Most WGT balls come in 10 different colors.

    You can see all of the attributes of the balls in the Pro Shop. They are Distance, Spin, Feel and Durability.

    Distance: Will display the increase in distance you will receive using the ball 

    Spin: Will display the increase in spin you will receive using the ball 

    Feel: A ball with a Feel rating will decrease the speed of the swing meter when the ball is used 

    Durability: Will display how many hits the ball can absorb before being taken out of play

  • GregoryBar
    9 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 3:54 PM

    I routinely blame my poor shots on WGT, it has gotten so bad that when I hit a bad shot during a real round of golf, my playing partners will hear me exclaim "F#*%#ing Meter!!!, so I'm assuming you won't be sending me a new sleeve, and I don't have the balls to admit to my own mistakes.

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