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Mon, Feb 27 2017 4:33 PM (2,573 replies)
  • Dneirf
    438 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 8:27 PM


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 10:05 PM

    "Interesting concepts for sure . I doubt you believe that . But it does sound very profound . But REALLY ?"

    Paul, I hate to interrupt when you're on a roll; but you are corresponding with someone who refers to himself in the third person. There was a dude like that in one of my university classes...he missed a lot of time due to ordered sessions with the school shrink. Last I heard, one of them ended up in a padded room. Still not sure which one it was.

    just sayin'

    Edit: I should clarify ^^^ was typed with tongue firmly planted in cheek.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 11:07 PM


    What's this alanti ? You think you are smart because you can publically post someone elses scores ? Do you think that people will see this and laugh ? WRONG . What people will see is that you are a bigger ASS for trying to ridicule this guy . They will see a determined golfer that tries his ass off . Playing harder and harder to better his game . 

      You sir have some issues . This one again back fired on you . And to put my quote at the top . To make it look like I am the one putting him on blast . Even more defines your immaturity . 

      This is so 7th grade . 

    Once again you jump over a post that has little to do with you.

    I used your quote regarding "That's very good......."as it was appropriate. Not aimed at you, but as you were amused by his post, I was amused by his score history. Your quote was appropriate to the time and the place.

    But once again you have made assumptions, which at the end of the day only makes an ass out of you.

    I have seen it time and time again where you misconstrue what has been said or alluded to in the forums. Every time you end up looking like an uneducated fool, perhaps unfairly, but you jump in feet first without knowing the facts. Your posts often appear as being simply ignorant, again maybe unfairly. Do you really have difficulty with comprehension or are you just paranoid?

    It is like wires in your head get shorted and you go off in a tangent.

    So the only thing that backfired is your brainfart. First you say he is trying to better his game, then later in the thread you are talking about saturation - simple thing is you spew out your illogical thought processes on the forum. 

    To be honest, I usually pass on by your comments as they are worthless.

    In regards to the scoring average,.....well....., Dneirf only let's you think and believe what Dneirf wants you to think and believe,..

    At least Dneirf has a profound sense of humor, and if you think his scores are realistic PBD1, then perhaps you are in awe of a 7th grader and wished you had their intelligence. Or is 7 your certified IQ? Or perhaps you have had a lobotomy.....failing that I struggle with your stupidity.

    For the record I was not ridiculing him, but having a laugh at his unusual score may be to level up, it may be to prove a point, but I doubt the scores are because of any serious effort. And as it turns out, I was obviously laughing with him.

    Referring to oneself (Deneirf) in the third person is troubling but nevertheless amusing and perhaps he sees himself as a robot rather than human.

    Jolly good fun, unless of course he believes what he typed! 

    Finally as Peter mentioned this thread has lost the original intent, but in fairness it had lost it's way a long time ago, which was/is a pity as in the early part was a great thread (and the odd new entry).

    I will not comment again in this thread or retort unless someone genuinely posts as per Rich's intent.



  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 3:15 AM

  • Dneirf
    438 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 5:00 AM
