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Mon, Feb 27 2017 4:33 PM (2,573 replies)
  • snoops34
    2,694 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2016 9:28 AM


    what  can i say .. i born with a GOLD SPOON  in my mouth ... im bitchin lazy dude ... love the money ...and cars .... o ya i have small cattle ranch    lmao litte ....  life sucks  but not for me

    This is a great, honest and totally hilarious post. I was born with a bent, dirty spoon in my mouth but have through cleverness, luck, liking people, and a degree in finance turned it to at least silver. Pebble is just right up the coast from me, and the beach a par 5 downhill into an ocean breeze.

    When opportunity knocks, don't just stand there. Grab it with both hands and make a mad dash for the end zone. By the time someone decides to take up the chase and tackle you, you will be spiking the ball in the zone. 

    It's ok to leave people speechless. lol

  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2016 2:27 AM

    Maybe you weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth, but like every American, you carry a deed to 635 million acres of public lands. That's right. Even if you don't own a house or the latest computer on the market, you own Yosemite, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and many other natural treasures..

  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2016 2:33 AM

    A few years ago in conversation I got my words mixed up . Instead of saying fork and spoon I blurted out spork .

    Nice to know someone has invented them but I thought of them first .

  • snoops34
    2,694 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2016 7:34 AM


    Maybe you weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth, but like every American, you carry a deed to 635 million acres of public lands. That's right. Even if you don't own a house or the latest computer on the market, you own Yosemite, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and many other natural treasures..

    This is very well thought out and very well said. Couldn't agree with you more. There is the Pacific ocean down the block from me and it is free. On any given day, anyone can go there and swim or walk on the beach. That's a pretty big swimming hole for no cost.

  • snoops34
    2,694 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2016 7:41 AM
    You are the King Of Posts. I believe that Spork is better than FPOON or, in some cases in this world, Buffoon.
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2016 11:40 AM

    Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds sing. I'm just waiting for the chorus.

  • snoops34
    2,694 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2016 11:56 AM


    Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds sing. I'm just waiting for the chorus.

    I'm the amateur here, with my measly 220 posts, but it reminds me that compared to most of the rest of the world, a lot of us are living in a fairy tale. I plead guilty on all counts. How many in 3rd world countries could even afford to play this "free" game?


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2016 12:22 PM



    Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds sing. I'm just waiting for the chorus.

    I'm the amateur here, with my measly 220 posts, but it reminds me that compared to most of the rest of the world, a lot of us are living in a fairy tale. I plead guilty on all counts. How many in 3rd world countries could even afford to play this "free" game?

    Given your choice for POTUS, I'm not sure if it's a fairy tale or a nightmare we are living in?  Especially with your Supreme court in the balance, the fragile global economy, myriad domestic issues, the middle east mess, and tensions between nuclear powers being at their highest since the cold war.

    Ironically, (IMHO) the 3rd world countries are the most insulated from the pending fall out.

    I understand your point, but would save my sympathy. With any luck, we will be around long enough to watch your post count rise.


    ps: on an upnote...the Nobel committee learned its' lesson about awarding the peace prize "on spec".

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2016 4:46 PM

    Ironically, the 3rd world countries are the most insulated from the pending fall out.

    How do you come to that conclusion?

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2016 5:52 PM


    Ironically, the 3rd world countries are the most insulated from the pending fall out.

    How do you come to that conclusion?

    If you have nothing, then you have nothing to lose.

    I should have used the caveat "IMHO" in the first post. I have amended it accordingly.