you may not actually receive a benefit or thing in a physical sense, but you are attempting to show that you can manipulate a person and then expect your pat on the back. i do not think for a second that you do anything and not expect to receive something in return. my nickle.
Given how well we know each other (not), it's pointless to debate this...but, I am curious if your cynicism is widespread, or more myopic.
For instance, is the reason Wayne and Opy put on charity events is so they can "manipulate" people for pats on the back?...How about the Salvation Army?... War Amps?...Make a wish foundation?...How about animal shelters?
These ^^^ are different, but they all involve encouraging people to support a cause via contributions of some kind. It's usually done for altruistic reasons...if someone sees fit to say thank-you, or to give them a pat on the back for their efforts, then I'm certainly fine with that. You should be, as well.
Since you have again accused me of having an ulterior motive (based on?), then those beliefs are yours to own. That said, I suggest you keep your nickels and switch to herbal tea.:)