This crazy interesting world is made up of anything and everything we can think of. At an early age I was very interested in nature, the outdoors and every thing that turned green in the spring after the snow was gone. I loved animals, trees, flowers, anything to do with the outdoors. There were kids in my schools that became Doctors, Lawyers all the high paying professions. I got married very young, so much for my free ride to Penn State. I never made fun of anyone, fat, ugly, poor, mentally disabled, nothing. I was just a poor mountain boy and did not understand the reasons for their problems. Thus, I kept quiet and just tried to blend in. I was made fun of in junior high because I was in the boy scouts. I became one of the youngest eagle scouts in the state of Pennsylvania. This was the first thing that made the Old Gunnie (my dad) proud. I was able to do things to survive without the financial support the city boys had.
I have kept these abilities all of my 64 years. I still treat people with respect, I don't judge, I have never had a reason to brag about anything I have ever accomplished. Other than my family. That is not bragging, that is just reflecting on what can be done if the love and effort is put in. I feel I have been the man I needed to be even if I don't have a lot to leave behind financially or material.
When we look at others, what makes them tick, what they feel they need to do or say to be recognized, let's stop for a second and say, OK and just let it be. No reason to kick a man when he's down. If you can help him get up and walk then do so. If you can't then tell him your sorry you can't lift him.
Just the way I am, sorry.