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why so many WD in RGs?

Thu, Feb 28 2013 3:32 PM (22 replies)
  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 7:40 AM

    I'm probably a guy who almost never WDs. And the perseverence does pays off. I remember once long ago when playing Whistler I made 38 front and then 27 back, which gave 65 and the 9-10th place, if I remember correctly :) I know it sometimes sucks to play knowing the best you can get is the money back or even the 50%, but I believe in not giving up prematurely...

    The only rational reasons I see in withdrawing are either if there is no realistic chance to even get the 50% back or if the max possible return is 50% AND the course is very tricky with high chance to lose balls...

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 2:38 PM

    Give myself 4 holes and not atleast two birdies then give up, not to save balls, just to save me putting my fist through screen!!


    Not really!

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 3:32 PM

    I WD occasionally, and it's pretty much always when I never should have started the RG in the first place...when I'm tired and cranky, would rather be doing something else but entered out of compulsion, or feeling temporarily burned out.  I love this game, but sometimes it's a relief to walk away from it.