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Is WGT become a Rip-off?

Fri, Mar 15 2013 11:59 PM (111 replies)
  • chewy8baca
    263 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 4:28 AM

    Well said it is what it is!!


  • peacher
    111 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 6:45 AM

    hell, im still waiting for my 880 credits i won in skins that they told me after an email that there is no recollection of game being played, this game IS a JOKE and shots ARE pre determined from the outset of game. I will be leaving soon also as soon as my credits run out, but until then i will torture myself playing this game which USED to be awesome. 

  • toojo
    288 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 7:16 AM

    And here was me thinking that at last I had found an adult game,seems not.I have checked all the rules,and nowhere and I mean nowhere does it say that you must pay a cent at any point to continue playing this game.So it is a freebie,and if you are good enough and people of less ability than you want to give you there credits,why complain.I doubt very much if ANYONE leaving will bother WGT in the slightest.Its a GAME,although some of you it would seem want to make a living from it.Grow up for Gods any Gods sake.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,581 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 11:18 AM
    Plus 10
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 3:25 PM

    We should change this to, {Has WGT became Roulette?) I am not going to moan and groan, just a few observations. Have you ever in real life, played a full front nine with an 18 to 22 mph wind in your face on every single hole? You would go up a club or two for your approach shot. EX: 180 to green, 19 mph wind in face, hit the 195 with a little roll to keep it low, ball goes 217 yards on the fly. Approach shot, 87 to cup, 21 mph in face, hit the 98 about 90%, ball hits the green at 96 yards, a 3 foot putt, no movement at all, flat and straight, wind 20  from 9 to 12, hit it 4 ft to drive it in, ding the shot and the putt goes left, wind was left to right. I don't feel ripped off, I feel the game has become golf casino. I have lost 2 new Nike balls today due to wind that was totally non existent, compared to what it said. I want to know, how some people know, and still shoot the awesome rounds. I see no way at all lately to judge a shot. Again, not moaning, just lost at the moment.

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 3:29 PM

    And here was me thinking that at last I had found an adult game,

    That was 5, 4 , 3, 2 years ago; times have changed and the adult's are realizing   Leprosy! 

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 3:56 PM

    No offence rinn, nobody here give's a sh8t about your GAME!

    Take some get up an go meds, give your loved one that romantic moment:  or hunt wild boar hogs with no guns at night w/just dogs and a knife!

    Frustration, guarantied!  

  • golfvader7
    1,822 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 4:00 PM

    Renn, please allow me to try and answer what you have so eloquently documented. Before my health got the better of me in 1997, I was a -1 golfer and played in many an amateur and pro-am tourneys around the country on some of the best known tracks around. If I learned 1 thing playing these courses in all types of weather is this......The only shot that you can be absolutely sure the one you just hit.

    Hitting into a 25mph headwind is a 3 iron one day and one the very next day with identical conditions a 3 metal would not have been enough. The conditions seemed to be identical, but were they really? GOLF IS NOT A GAME OF PERFECT!!! That's why we love it so much. 

    In my entire life, I have NEVER played a course where the wind was blowing the same way on each hole. If that were the case you'd tee off on #1 and finish on the 18th green 45 miles away from the first

    I've played this game for fun, under extreme pressure, you name it. We look at our upcoming shot, take into consideration all the variables, pull what we hope is the right club, put our best swing on it and.............hope/pray we were right. Sometimes we are, sometimes not so much. We do the best we can with the knowledge we have. That is exactly the way I play our game here.

    I will not claim to have all the answers, but I do know I have been right a lot more times than I have been wrong. And when those wrong times come at the most inopportune times......I scratch my head, say a dirty word, forget about it.........and on to the next shot.

    Don't feel will find your way. And when you do, you feel what every golfer cherishes. There is no other feeling like it in sports.

    "see you in the short grass"......................."gv"

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 4:19 PM

    Actually I agree with GV on this. similar winds on the real golf course one day to the next can produce VERY different results using the same club. The difference is this game is more about calculations whereas many club or average players play by feel.So saying that if we all get our calculations right we will all be shooting in the low 50's and how boring would that be, no challenge. I am sure the top players get these VEM moments too, the difference is they are just better at recovering. It affects us all, just concentrate on hitting the next shot, and enjoy. For example I played front 9 CCC today, 120 to the pin, 9 mph wind l-r 60 degrees slightly elevated, so I hit 120 with top spin - result 133 through the green. But this has happened to me on the real golf course (low handicap) so did I have a dummy spit? No - I made par and moved on.

    And for the record I have played some courses that are primarily into the wind (some cross wind) on links courses. Then on the other 9 it is the opposite.

    St Andrews for the record is mostly 1 hole ahead on back next to it so theooretically should be one into the winf, next tail (but not all holes.

    If this game got to easy and I hit perfect shots each time I would be out of here. We need to challenge ourselves as well as the golf course.

  • DuwayneCook
    53 Posts
    Fri, Mar 15 2013 2:14 PM

    For sure they control the meter.

    Just for an example. For the past three weeks I've been playing with the starter balls about 21 games, not one of those balls went int a water hazard, yesterday I broke down and bought 3 of their 44 credits balls, all three are now resting in a water hazard.

    That is the reason I quit using the calaway balls, two out of three would end up in the hazards. enough for me to stop playing this game for seven months. It's beginning to get much to frustrating for me.