...come on WGT....make it happen.
The atv 50 yrd wedge is better get that one
i would never sell my satin 64 - that and my rossa :)
Mines still in equipe...pity I can't pass it over to you :)
Nice wedge.
Wontonamo: i would never sell my satin 64 - that and my rossa :)
Trey, it should still be in your equipment, unless you sold it back for a mere 63 credits.
Is there a way I can give mine to you? My lofty goal of trying to earn enough creds on the RG circuit to buy myself some R11 irons is looking forlorne. 2000 would fix that! :-)
To those that still think that the satin is the best wedge ....have you tried the atv 50yrd ??
if you have and still think the satin is better,let us know why please
I still use my Satin, the most consistent club I have. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Now it will go south like the rest of them.