Dear WGT:
I think coming out with new products and improvement is admirable and I'm glad you are doing this. I am a L92 Legend and once again I get screwed.
When I was in the mid to late Level 80's I looked forward to when I could purchase the R11s driver that was available at L90, I wasn't interested in the regular R11 as I found with friends I played with that had it didn't hit any further than I so why have it.
Well what do you do right as I get close to L90 you move it up to L94 so now I have to wait another 6 to 8 months before I could get it.
Now that I am L92 and maybe 3 months or so to L94 you come out with this new drive that is a cannon compared to the L94. How do I know this, players I play with just bought it today and are not hitting but AVERAGING 320 yards on their drives.
One hit a 305 yard drive against a 20 mile wind straight on wind, with my driver that would have been probably 265. Ok love the improvements but I like many in the same position are getting shafted.
Heck now I don't need the L94 driver and want buy it because the L98 is what to get and now I have to wait a year to a year and half before I can get it and by then you will have come out with something that hits even further.
I play EVERYDAY, I mean EVERYDAY and you guys are screwing me. I know you are a business and I don't mind paying for the balls clubs or anything else, I have and spent a lot of money, but you are now screwing me and you aren't going to see another dime for that.
So when you think you are going to make more money and you will take into consideration the money you are going to LOSE from those like me that got shafted and screwed and will not throw any more money your way.
Dear WGT:
I think coming out with new products and improvement is admirable and I'm glad you are doing this. I am a L92 Legend and once again I get screwed. When I was in the mid to late Level 80's I looked forward to when I could purchase the R11s driver that was available at L90, I wasn't interested in the regular R11 as I found with friends I played with that had it didn't hit any further than I so why have it. Well what do you do right as I get close to L90 you move it up to L94 so now I have to wait another 6 to 8 months before I could get it. Now that I am L92 and maybe 3 months or so to L94 you come out with this new drive that is a cannon compared to the L94. How do I know this, players I play with just bought it today and are not hitting but AVERAGING 320 yards on their drives. One hit a 305 yard drive against a 20 mile wind straight on wind, with my driver that would have been probably 265. Ok love the improvements but I like many in the same position are getting shafted. Heck now I don't need the L94 driver and want buy it because the L98 is what to get and now I have to wait a year to a year and half before I can get it and by then you will have come out with something that hits even further. I play EVERYDAY, I mean EVERYDAY and you guys are screwing me. I know you are a business and I don't mind paying for the balls clubs or anything else, I have and spent a lot of money, but you are now screwing me and you aren't going to see another dime for that. So when you think you are going to make more money and you will take into consideration the money you are going to LOSE from those like me that got shafted and screwed and will not throw any more money your way. And as a side note this is really going to KILL the integrity of the game. With the L98 driver and how far it hits you are now going to have those Level 98 or higher Tour Pros, Masters and Tour Masters that will be driving almost every green. How is that going to go....think about it, its already an issue now and it just got worse.
And as a side note this is really going to KILL the integrity of the game. With the L98 driver and how far it hits you are now going to have those Level 98 or higher Tour Pros, Masters and Tour Masters that will be driving almost every green. How is that going to go....think about it, its already an issue now and it just got worse.
Why not save me the headache & punctuate some of this rant, Jesus.