Jimbog1964: Not in this or any sport ever invented is there a direct correlation across the board
As I said in my post, the correlation is there MOST times (if not all, we may not agree on that).
Jimbog1964: I watch young men go for trials often. How often do coaches ask how long have you played? Answer NEVER!
That's because it's clear to all they will need years of hard work to become champions anyway and coaches will develop them on that road.
Anyone who implies that years of practice make no difference has never competed at a high level in anything in his life. Being decent at a lot of sports does not make one an expert on excellence.
Although talent is a necessity for success, it's only around 10% of the total package needed for it. The rest are mental strength and the willingness to grind out countless hours of practice. So the thought that people should be given an equal chance to compete after 5 months as the ones who have put years of their time in the same thing is ludicrous to me. So is the whine from someone who was already able to get a great, I repeat, GREAT driver after only 5 months. It's worth it's price, all it takes is to learn how to use it correctly (correct spin and landing zones) and that's where the time you put in kicks in.
I've only been a member for just over a year and it seems completely fair to me that people, who've put in much more of their time into this than me, are able to get better gear than me and have an advantage (albeit only a very slight one). The only real "mistake" here is the L48 driver, that's just crazy.
Any sport ever invented and i mean every sport
or game. To get to the very highest yes you need talent and practice of course!
You miss the point completely though! Some will always have much more
aptitude than others! Some will make more use of equipment than others can
in a million trillion years! Getting to be the best in the world is the extreme
and we are not talking about that...............
If you had a son that was very good at a sport
would you buy him good equipment or say you need to be playing for 5 years
before i buy you that???????? Would he progress fine not being able to play at
the highest possible in that time?????????? Any one that says
different to that certainly has certainly not played at a high level!!!
Some people will be better after 5 months than
some will be after 10 years no matter how much practice they put in!!!!!!! Any
one who has played sport to a high level will have seen enough to appreciate
that!!! If those very good people then put in the hours etc then of
course! We aint talking about Jack Niklaus here though!
Telling me i have a great driver don't cut it. IRL I have a better one because I wanted that! So it's not whining as you put
it it's a sensible argument. Better equipment helps.......wont turn a crap player in to an excellent one of course not. But some will never be able to use it as well as others..................simple stuff!
Agree on the lower level driver with you at