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NEW L98 Driver

Sat, Mar 30 2013 9:16 PM (170 replies)
  • mbrown13kos
    179 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 3:45 PM

    Dear WGT:

    I think coming out with new products and improvement is admirable and I'm glad you are doing this. I am a L92 Legend and once again I get screwed. When I was in the mid to late Level 80's I looked forward to when I could purchase the R11s driver that was available at L90, I wasn't interested in the regular R11 as I found with friends I played with that had it didn't hit any further than I so why have it. Well what do you do right as I get close to L90 you move it up to L94 so now I have to wait another 6 to 8 months before I could get it. Now that I am L92 and maybe 3 months or so to L94 you come out with this new drive that is a cannon compared to the L94. How do I know this, players I play with just bought it today and are not hitting but AVERAGING 320 yards on their drives. One hit a 305 yard drive against a 20 mile wind straight on wind, with my driver that would have been probably 265. Ok love the improvements but I like many in the same position are getting shafted. Heck now I don't need the L94 driver and want buy it because the L98 is what to get and now I have to wait a year to a year and half before I can get it and by then you will have come out with something that hits even further. I play EVERYDAY, I mean EVERYDAY and you guys are screwing me. I know you are a business and I don't mind paying for the balls clubs or anything else, I have and spent a lot of money, but you are now screwing me and you aren't going to see another dime for that. So when you think you are going to make more money and you will take into consideration the money you are going to LOSE from those like me that got shafted and screwed and will not throw any more money your way. And as a side note this is really going to KILL the integrity of the game. With the L98 driver and how far it hits you are now going to have those Level 98 or higher Tour Pros, Masters and Tour Masters that will be driving almost every green. How is that going to go....think about it, its already an issue now and it just got worse.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 4:18 PM

    think coming out with new products and improvement is admirable and I'm glad you are doing this. I am a L92 Legend and once again I get screwed. When I was in the mid to late Level 80's I looked forward to when I could purchase the R11s driver that was available at L90, I wasn't interested in the regular R11 as I found with friends I played with that had it didn't hit any further than I so why have it. Well what do you do right as I get close to L90 you move it up to L94 so now I have to wait another 6 to 8 months before I could get it. Now that I am L92 and maybe 3 months or so to L94 you come out with this new drive that is a cannon compared to the L94. How do I know this, players I play with just bought it today and are not hitting but AVERAGING 320 yards on their drives. One hit a 305 yard drive against a 20 mile wind straight on wind, with my driver that would have been probably 265

    Chill man it's not a conspiracy...I was in the same boat at L88 and had to wait 2 (ish)  months for L94 driver when they increased the level criteria..(I play a lot )...:))

    This club  (like other lower traj clubs) is better in certain winds, but, it for me would be a club of choice for certain courses , NOT a must have. If you had to pack one it would be the R11s for me all day.

    Imo it's just another tool when you get more experienced to utilize to your benefit..

    And the L88 R11 that you dislike had its limitations as (I'm guessing) the new driver will..It was good in certain winds / conditions but could easily be out driven by the high G20s.

    Still as you say good to see something for the stalwarts this time round....We waited a while no ..


    Edit:-- 3 months (ish)...still was ave 11 hrs a day.

    1,189 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 4:28 PM

    The following text is a copy paste job from my reply to another thread, so some things might appear out of context.


    A couple of things. I've been outdriving R11s drivers with that "not so good"  R11 on many occasions, or at least go toe to toe with it. The same way that anyone who actually knows where to aim drives and what spin to use can easily outdrive both R11s with a L81 G20. And even if you don't, it's less than 1 size iron difference in the end, so no biggy. Bigger problem for lower levels are irons, although after L79 the Bladez even the field enough for anyone with skill.

    That new driver isn't really that hot, especially on courses where a higher trajectory works better. i'd much prefer the R11s (2 more levels for me). And the slower meter could backfire. 1 degree of difference in speeds between the driver and irons  is bad enough, but to add 1 more?

    I only see 1 potentially huge issue with the new gear and that's the L48 driver. Placing it there is like asking people to restart or multiaccount. Like we don't already see enough of that, now it's been made even easier. Imagine some current or former legends coming out as hacks, only needing to get to L48 (lightning quick to get there) and having a 275y driver combined with low level R11s and CGs. Peachy.


    Edit: And the reason why it's good the new club is at L98 is this (another copy paste)

    If you're gonna compare this to real life, you can compare it this way. More XP points mean more playing time and practice. More practice usually brings better results in real life. WGT basically rewards your "practice" time with better ability, the same as it would be better in real life. They can only do it with more power, precision and forgiveness, which could only come after a lot of time playing in real life.

    I hope I expressed what I mean clear enough. Basically, if you only played for 3 months IRL, your game would have a disadvantage to someone who's played for 3 years most times, right? But because WGT can't really enhance your actual ability, they do it by offering long time players a chance to get enhanced clubs.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 5:04 PM

    I only see 1 potentially huge issue with the new gear and that's the L48 driver.

    Sheesh I can see this as a problem too. For such a forgiving and e precise club with great distance at a low level I don't quite understand this one. For one the G20 will now effectively be killed off and certainly will not force people to upgrade drivers as often - perhaps a good thing! And as for multis, level 48 is attainable pretty quickly in fact i should become Fleecingleech and try my luck lol

    With the level 98, I personally think this is a good thing and finally caters for those high level players who never have anything to aspire to.

    A great update WGT, and I may even try the CTTH at Merion.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 5:22 PM


    Dear WGT:

    I think coming out with new products and improvement is admirable and I'm glad you are doing this. I am a L92 Legend and once again I get screwed. When I was in the mid to late Level 80's I looked forward to when I could purchase the R11s driver that was available at L90, I wasn't interested in the regular R11 as I found with friends I played with that had it didn't hit any further than I so why have it. Well what do you do right as I get close to L90 you move it up to L94 so now I have to wait another 6 to 8 months before I could get it. Now that I am L92 and maybe 3 months or so to L94 you come out with this new drive that is a cannon compared to the L94. How do I know this, players I play with just bought it today and are not hitting but AVERAGING 320 yards on their drives. One hit a 305 yard drive against a 20 mile wind straight on wind, with my driver that would have been probably 265. Ok love the improvements but I like many in the same position are getting shafted. Heck now I don't need the L94 driver and want buy it because the L98 is what to get and now I have to wait a year to a year and half before I can get it and by then you will have come out with something that hits even further. I play EVERYDAY, I mean EVERYDAY and you guys are screwing me. I know you are a business and I don't mind paying for the balls clubs or anything else, I have and spent a lot of money, but you are now screwing me and you aren't going to see another dime for that. So when you think you are going to make more money and you will take into consideration the money you are going to LOSE from those like me that got shafted and screwed and will not throw any more money your way. And as a side note this is really going to KILL the integrity of the game. With the L98 driver and how far it hits you are now going to have those Level 98 or higher Tour Pros, Masters and Tour Masters that will be driving almost every green. How is that going to go....think about it, its already an issue now and it just got worse.


    Imagine reading this^ as someone else here on the message boards. What would you think? 

    So if you could get this club the intergrity of the game wouldn't be killed just because you had the club. Imagine yourself reading that again as someone else?

    Silly right? ;)

  • WakeIsland
    213 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 5:32 PM

    The level 48+ R1 has better stats than the level 75+ nike covert.  LOL

  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 6:02 PM

    IMO, there is no need to even purchase the level 98 driver. That little bit of extra distance is not worth widening the speed difference between the irons and the driver. And I agree that the level 48 driver has hurt the game.Not sure who the brains were behind that move because it actually hurts the profit in the long run. Kind of a foolish move. WGT keeps making it easier to level up and they do not care about making the game more fair and as of late have gottten away from making this game realistic. Now we even have hearts exploding out of balls?? How cute!  It will not be long b4 we have players averaging in the 49's. Not that the players that have been here a while even pay attention to averages. We know better! lol

  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 6:02 PM


    The level 48+ R1 has better stats than the level 75+ nike covert.  LOL


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 6:04 PM

    WGT have made a huge two fingers up to many honest players with this new release! Comments about it being silly to say so are frankly amazing to me, but they are entitled to their views!

    The lower level one's just encourage multi accounts..........Placing the higher Level one at Level 98 and saying it must be because if you play more you must be better is simply not the way any sport works.  Any one with an understanding of sport would agree that you grade players but those grades don't necessarily correspond with experience.  As sure as god made littte green apples you can bring talent out but you can't put it in.  

    In short WGT have got the balance wrong and that's a bad thing! 


    Before any one comments I have not said that Level 98 is necessarily a bad call but it should be for top two tiers at most and things should be leveled up below that a little.  trying to strain every last cent out of the L88 R11 is rubbish.  Saying you are better with more experience is not the way it works either, not in this or any other sport ever invented.  Sometimes it's teh case I agree..........Arnold Palmer / Jack Niklaus etal for sure.turn up anywhere else and you will find players been enjoying the game (could be any game ever played) for 10 years and they will never be as good as some one doing it for six months...........EVERY FIELD EVERY TOWN......ALL GRADED ON ABILITY ONLY!  examination reveals experience not the deciding factor.........


    Some may not like the new driver.  I would not be turning round and telling people exactly what they should be using though.  Fact is the driver is very good..........IRL I use very good equipment which I chose to buy.......I am good with ball sports generally........sorry but some have it more than others from the off.........Many can enjoy it though! Why handicaps exist, nothing wrong with that!  Fact of the matter is that you reach Legend at L78 say and you are then not allowed access to better equipment for way too long....why so many TM's want to play you in skins challenge LOL

    If some one else wants to just enjoy the game with what they have fine.............telling others to do the same would last two minutes in real life! I would be quite amazed if I was disapointed with the L98 driver............................think I have said it all..........

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 6:12 PM

     Saying you are better with more experience is not the way it works either, not in this or any other sport ever invented.  

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