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NEW L98 Driver

Sat, Mar 30 2013 9:16 PM (170 replies)
  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 8:28 AM

    Well what do you do right as I get close to L90 you move it up to L94 so now I have to wait another 6 to 8 months before I could get it.

    Got caught out on that driver switch too.....saw it, thought about it overnight & poof it had moved to level 94 the next day.    If they opened all the equipment to those whose reach Legend + then they would probably sell more equipment.....the option should be there to allow you the choice if you want to buy it or not.......

    Just saying to WGT..........

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 10:05 AM

    wouldn't help much brother , i can't putt ..

    My percentage from 5ft is a lot better than from 25ft

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 10:11 AM


    wouldn't help much brother , i can't putt ..

    My percentage from 5ft is a lot better than from 25ft

    both mine suck ... lol

  • promark1
    412 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 2:39 PM

    think wgt missed a trick on this one 

    if there was ever a club that required legend status this is it

    i probably won't be getting it anyway but think the level is too high.could even be brought down to level 90 but you need to be a legend to buy it

    that would give tour masters and lower the incentive to move up rather than sitting on 62 or 63 averages

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 5:27 PM

    had a email today advertising r1 driver available to top players on wgt,actually thought they;'d broke the ban on tourlegends,WOW still  only available to 98+.laugh my f oo kin  ass off,i actually complained to  wgt day after it came out and no neply,now i get i kick me in teeth reply sucker,rocky still in top 10 this months earnings but damn it's not easy with red balls after kicked again in the groin ,OUCH ooooooo ahhhh

  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Fri, Mar 15 2013 6:14 AM

    technically if you're level 98 you're probably a solid player lol.... 



    basically you guys are all crying because you cant have the best equipment right now. so you think every single thing they ever release should always be immediately available to you? what are you working for then? they have to have a reason to push people to play a lot and get moving on their levels, its business


    98 is insanely high, but it's a pretty damn insane club from what i've seen/heard, so why wouldn't it be? just because YOU don't want it? 



    i do agree the whole R11S 90 to 94 thing sucked, they shouldve had it at 94 already, and people who were level 90-93 at the time of the switch in a perfect world shouldve had the option to buy it once after the fact

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Fri, Mar 15 2013 7:28 AM


    basically you guys are all crying because you cant have the best equipment right now. so you think every single thing they ever release should always be immediately available to you? what are you working for then? they have to have a reason to push people to play a lot and get moving on their levels, its business

    I bought the thing in RL the day it came out because I happened to be in Myrtle beach for the release, because I could.

    It get the business behind the move.

    Forget the lvl 98 for sec,  just recently WGT made some changes that pushed tons of people to the legend tees easier than ever and it caused a gigantic bump in restarts.Then they release a lvl 48 R1 that goes 300 yards, and most players here are years away from the lvl 98 and have better equipment than the lvl 48 and are back a few tees now. So what did it cause, another bump in restarts, as players likely said, hey if I had that lvl 48 when I was an amateur I could of cleaned up.

    Two moves that were clearly designed to cause a bump in restarts and it did indeed.


    So are people upset that they feel WGT does not release something for them, and question why. Well there's your answer. It is for you, but you need to restart to get it.

    I'd say shame on you WGT, but they are in business to make money.


  • Allen63
    364 Posts
    Fri, Mar 15 2013 8:02 AM


    I'd say shame on you WGT, but they are in business to make money.


    Yes, they are, but there are myriad terms for what they've done...and none of them good unless you're on their side of the table counting the money. Bernie Madoff did alot of things "because he could", and he was in it to make money as well.

    I bet WGT will be sold in the next fiscal year.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Mar 16 2013 12:31 AM

    Interesting stuff.  I did here on Radio Station Rumour Control so for what worth I know that a certain Large company that sells expensive balls were in talks..............If were looking to sell analysts like growth, and the way to do that is new customers and sell new stuff -specialist subject stating the obvious:).

    So either lurrrvvv the game and want to join the cream through real sweat and punch through or restart..and learn to sandbag better next time LOL V  . Interesting!I know a couple of people just played the for fun, no sandbagging intents etc..... just thought why bother when turned Legend at L60 something and don't get on so much, but is that the real game? 

    If you wana sell a business.........restarts = growth......................................

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sat, Mar 16 2013 5:32 PM

    so patterson,first thing you say is 98 level means you should be good?TRUE,but it doesn't mean you are.what bothers me most is the advertisment still says open to the very top players but iv,e seen tour pros have it  and its open to hack 98+?i have shot 55 today kia 57 sta 27 rsg b9,52 rsg yesterday and wgt classes 98 better than me and i can't buy a club.if they are not going open it to back tee players at the least change the advertisment to all sandbaggers welcome,don't matter how good you are aslong as your 98,patterson plz i may cry if you could shoot as low as me lol