My opinion, for what it's worth. I like the system the way it is mainly because allowing clubs out to all regardless of levels and tiers plays right into the multi accounters hands (even more than it already is).
How did this system come about? I think that is an interesting question and my opinion is that the system we have is an accident NOT a design.
The original idea was I believe, designed so that as you progress through the game playing almost exclusively stroke play you would be 'rewarded' with experience at about the time you needed the new equipment. (If you only play stroke play as I do, this is STILL the case). Then people started sandbagging, this brought about a lot of complaints and so they introduced the 'new' system that promotes players quickly for winning matchplay games etc. The trouble is they either didn't consider or didn't care, that this quick promotion would be seen by some as a good thing rather than a punishment for 'using' the system.
The way I view is it is much like someone else said earlier, yes, you can walk into any pro shop on any golf course and buy whatever you want, BUT (and it's a huge but) without the experience (at golf) you probably won't be able to use it fully (if at all). As this is not real golf we can usually use any virtual club regardless of our skill level, therefore 'experience points' is a way of mimicking this skill in the virtual environment.
Of course there are those genuine players who suffer for this, but I see no way around this without giving even MORE ammunition to the multi accounters who in effect steal credits from the naive and gullible.