actually i use the performance max iron's and putter with the tour-s balls. i got the meter speed down. the only thing that gets me is when i drop to a lower speed club i tend to get trigger happy because of the irons. ive learned the value of getting clubs as close to each other in meter speed as possible but those max's are hard to beat. i will say this though i believe $5 for a sleeve of balls no matter how good is a bit silly but people buy 'em up so i don't blame wgt for selling them like they do. i'm a capitalist, i believe in profitting to the max:)
fortunately (or unfortunately in my wife's eye's) i've been gaming for over 30 years so hand eye-coordination is a strong suit. dinging isnt my problem, it's the flops, chips, pitches and being 30 yrds away from the hole with 15ft of elevation that gets me.
oh yeah, and trying to play half drunk....or fully drunk can definitely challenge you ;)
i will say this. i know it's probably been suggested ad naseum, but i still think we should have the ability to practice select holes or at least have a practice driving range/putting green. i mean if this is supposed to be a simulator, we, like real world golfer's should have that option.
i'm sure that horse is long dead and stinkin though, so i wont continue to beat it :)
lastly, i just want to thank yall again for the community support, there are alot of gaming forums out there where people will just say, "practice and shutup". it's probably because of the "seasoned" demographic in here. ;)