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upgraded balls

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Tue, Mar 12 2013 1:50 AM (22 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 4:02 PM

    Good work Roger!

    I have a shocking habit of swapping balls and this does cause yardage disparaties both from the tee and approach shots. I sometimes use the Srixon 2.5 dot ball and currently using the Cally slow meter lvl 34, 4  dot distance ball. I find this goes approx 3-4 yards longer on a 100 yard approach than the Srixon and another 10 yards on the drive.

    But the only way of getting the exact yardages is by mapping the ball with your clubs and this is where it would be great to have a mulligan or at least zero wind option.

  • FamilyGuyCB
    11 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 4:19 PM

    i appreciate the testing fellas. i assume the longer balls would go a bit further on approach shots but i just didnt know if you would need to compensate much. like i said earlier an extra 1-2 yrds on the green could make a huge diffference.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 6:29 PM



    But the only way of getting the exact yardages is by mapping the ball with your clubs and this is where it would be great to have a mulligan or at least zero wind option.

    ^^^ this +1

    I've used many different balls but I now stick to the Calloway i(s) it's a very good all round ball and not too expensive (I buy all my kit and cannot be arsed doing surveys) and I've mapped it to all my clubs, so my distance accuracy is improving.

    1,189 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 6:41 PM


    i appreciate the testing fellas. i assume the longer balls would go a bit further on approach shots but i just didnt know if you would need to compensate much. like i said earlier an extra 1-2 yrds on the green could make a huge diffference.

    My estimation is about 1% of the club distance per every dot of distance a ball has. There's a huge difference on approaches as well, not only drives. And the amount of spin a ball has affects the shot even more. Anyone who's played with both Nike types could tell you how much more wind you need to play with the S ball compared to the X ball. Shots with full bs in 15 mph head wind could land up to 10y shorter with the Nike-S balls (if you have irons with a lot of spin) compared to the Nike-X ball. Same goes for landing spots in cross winds.

    so when you learn what distances a particular type of ball will give you (and you like that ball), it's best to stick with it no matter what. Cause you'll need quite some adjusting if you switch to a ball with different stats. I think some people who blame VEM for shots that landed 10y short or long, may have infact changed their type of balls and simply didn't adjust.


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 8:11 PM

    Maybe in some cases , but not always. I hit my 215 3 iron 252yards in 6 mph cross wind .Thats vem . I only play the srixons 11+ balls , and due to vem , get both the long and short end of the deal . The irons are never really consistant , it seems that when I need them the most, thats when I get the let down . Happy Swinging

  • FamilyGuyCB
    11 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 8:47 PM

    i normally just use the WGTTour S balls cause id hate to pay $5 for a sleeve of nike's but i was thinking that if i was in a tourney and decided to go with some nike's whether my shots would start going to long because of them. it makes sense to get used to a ball before you trust them so i may just buy a sleeve or 2 to train with and then save another sleeve for tourneys only. thanks again.

    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2013 2:32 AM

    I hit my 215 3 iron 252yards in 6 mph cross wind .Thats vem


    That's not VEM. That's due to landing on a back end of a bump or a downslope. It could easily roll for even more than 252 and no spin will help there. (St. Andrews #5 and 14 come to mind, but many others as well). Saying that's VEM is ludicrous.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2013 4:07 AM


    i normally just use the WGTTour S balls cause id hate to pay $5 for a sleeve of nike's but i was thinking that if i was in a tourney and decided to go with some nike's whether my shots would start going to long because of them. it makes sense to get used to a ball before you trust them so i may just buy a sleeve or 2 to train with and then save another sleeve for tourneys only. thanks again.

    If you have only used the Wgt type of balls, then you have to be careful when changing to the Nikes. It might take some time to get the hang of em, with the extra dots.

    I use the Max's (expensive), only because of the slow meter speed. They have the same specs as the Callaway Z's except for the meter speed.  The Callaway might be an easier ball for you to use.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2013 5:09 AM

    I think the black "Granny" balls are best avoided. A slower meter is a jumpier meter in my humble opinion.

  • FamilyGuyCB
    11 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2013 5:21 AM

    actually i use the performance max iron's and putter with the tour-s balls. i got the meter speed down. the only thing that gets me is when i drop to a lower speed club i tend to get trigger happy because of the irons. ive learned the value of getting clubs as close to each other in meter speed as possible but those max's are hard to beat. i will say this though i believe $5 for a sleeve of balls no matter how good is a bit silly but people buy 'em up so i don't blame wgt for selling them like they do. i'm a capitalist, i believe in profitting to the max:)

    fortunately (or unfortunately in my wife's eye's) i've been gaming for over 30 years so hand eye-coordination is a strong suit. dinging isnt my problem, it's the flops, chips, pitches and being 30 yrds away from the hole with 15ft of elevation that gets me.

    oh yeah, and trying to play half drunk....or fully drunk can definitely challenge you ;)

    i will say this. i know it's probably been suggested ad naseum, but i still think we should have the ability to practice select holes or at least have a practice driving range/putting green. i mean if this is supposed to be a simulator, we, like real world golfer's should have that option.

    i'm sure that horse is long dead and stinkin though, so i wont continue to beat it :) 

    lastly, i just want to thank yall again for the community support, there are alot of gaming forums out there where people will just say, "practice and shutup". it's probably because of the "seasoned" demographic in here. ;)