Your not alone, WGT has the VEM for one reason only. It is a marketing tool to sell more virtual equipment. By messing up your game with inconsistent shots and distances, they can force you to buy better balls and clubs then your game will get better.
I remember when I made Pro level, my starter clubs and wgt balls suddenly became shots all over the place. Some short one minute then way to long the next. Much like it is now. So I got some survey credits and purchased better clubs and balls and there it was, Much better. Got me to Master level. Then things changed because now I''m 40 to 60 yrds back of the other tees. Also my average of 66.88 went to 75.96 in an hour. Now is that not WGT because suddenly my meter was cutting up. Causing me to miss the ding. Every Master level player knows that missing the ding is like walking off a cliff.
I know they do that so you have to climb back up to make Tour Master. Now that this VEM is in use, it causes a lot of inconsistencies which wgt says that is more like a real golf course. Wrong, if that were the case Tiger Woods wouldn't be anywhere and Jack Nicklaus would still be on a 1945 John Deere Tractor plowing fields. How else would they make low scores on a course they don't play every day. They go early and play the course to get a feel for it. Probably a few rounds before the game begins. They make there calculations on the course. They want to look good and feel confident their shots go where they want them to. Now I'm not saying their not going to have a small slice or hook happen by accident but not to much. The main thing is it's real not virtual unknown results with every swing. There has to be a calculated shot on every swing that if you hit right, it goes where it should. If it doesn't, then the game is worthless.
What has happened is wgt has taken the fun out of this game and they don't care who quits because they have 2 million people a year start this game. We are nothing to them. Period. So if they want it that way, we just keep trying to make a better score .I may be playing practice rounds for ever because it doesn't matter what calculation I try for putting greens or driving with adverse winds or in different %'s of lie. They don't matter some of the time but then some times they do. For me it's just hit the ball and try my best to rescue it for a par.
Breaks on greens are reacting wrong as well as downhill putts. Sometimes the downhill putt if figured at -40% rolls 6 ft short. Then on the next downhill same situation and the ball roll 14 ft past the hole. So it's all uncontrolled harassment and aggravation to make you buy or leave. Period. Done. Now have a nice Day because you woke up.