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just what th he!! is goin on.....

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Tue, Apr 9 2013 5:14 PM (36 replies)
  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 4:04 PM


    How many more threads are you going to hijack with your tales of woe Pipeman?

    Play your cards right and I think you're ' In ' there Pipeman ! It's just her way of telling you she likes you !

  • jessek12
    102 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 7:30 AM

    Example #1 - you're using a wedge, the wind is 10 mph...obviously the wind is going to blow the ball more.

    Example #2 - probably using a 6/7 iron, with less wind, and you aimed MORE right. Lower lofted club + less wind = less wind effect

    I don't need a fancy formula to figure that out genius.

  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 12:49 PM

    I  just finished  Royal St. George with a +7. I could not believe all the shots that went short and the wrong place or to long for what it should have been. It was like someone at WGT was sitting there controlling my game and laughing at what they could do to make me mad. I birdied the 1st hole, Double Bogied  2nd, bogied the next 2, par then another bogey then 2 pars then a triple bogey to finish. This was all on the back 9. 

    This game for me has gone to crap. If I can't get a true hit with anything then what is the since in playing this game. It seems there are more complaints then sales since this Novus 1000v went into system. I hope it does not work to produce more sales. Thats the wrong way to sell. If you want to make sales then you should have good prices and special deals offered at certain times.

    Then takes this game back to where it was before the VEM. When we could hit and know how far it was going to go and if it would stop on a green if we put backspin on it. 

    Hell your new players using free clubs and balls can get better backspin then a Master playing with WGT Tour 2 Dot Distance and 2 dot backspin. My Taylor Made clubs are suppose to have backspin. Never know it with the ridiculous way the ball hit a green and rolled 47 yrds past and of  into the rough. 

    You advertise True Golf, to whom, the new people who you get into the game and then help them move up the tiers felling real good until they reach Pro and their WGT starter clubs and balls start to act up. 

    We know why you do that. To sell equipment to a new breed of players. It's call marketing. But when you screw with your longtime players your know fooling any one. It's a travesty of not proper sales technique. It won't be long until those new people play with some one who you have tagged with uncertainty, will find out what this word FREE really means.

    I know there needs to sales to pay for all the technology and there is a proper way to do that. Not to force them to by making all their shots wrong. You get paid from advertisers and survey companies, why not have them pay more  instead of us.

    Anyway, I am really tired of trying to remove your control of my game  from the settings panel but you still manage to get in there somehow. As far as I'm concerned, this is worse then a beta system. This a beta system with bugs that need to be corrected. Think about it. My pleasure.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Apr 6 2013 2:07 PM

    someone at WGT was sitting there controlling my game


  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Mon, Apr 8 2013 9:45 AM

    Another day of inconsistent shots and putts compliments of WGT and their famous Novus 1000v or better known as the VEM. Virtual Ethernet Module embedded in a Vitrual Module to control the Virtual Switching Module will alter all shots all responses on all types of greens as they desire. So you might as well get use to missed putts, wrong directions of ball carry in the drive to put you in a rough. All the things that plagued me when I went from Pro level to Tour Pro. It forced me to obtain new clubs and better balls. It's how WGT can force people to buy, but ,buy.  They have no other idea on how to market a product then a 10 year old at a Lemonade stand. This game has lost all the fun and replaced it with uncertainty and inconsistence. If I had the money to by equipment,I wouldn't spend it  until WGT goes back to the original beta program of letting people play the game they know how. That means if you have a ball with 2 dots distance you hit it a few yrds less amd land close to the hole, not  27 yrds less and off the green. When I putt and have the ball roll right up to the cup and stop 1 inch from going in who is that, WGT. Harassment because I have been very vocal on this forum and because I haven't been able to spend any money only survey credits. Now it seems someone has arranged to shut me out of those surveys.

    Maybe if I changed my email address and came in as a new person, it would make a difference. Other people use their Hotmail or GMail account to get a second or third WGT account. I've played Amateurs with R11s clubs and Nike balls and when I check when they started, it was just 2 weeks prior to us playing and their  beating me.  

    Problem there HUH. So if I stay I will just go on as it is and complain when something isn't right to let off some steam. Knowing that nothing will change and I want to be here when it all goes down.

  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Mon, Apr 8 2013 10:46 AM

    You have been on this site for almost 2 years. You are a level 93 Master. Has it ever crossed your mind that you are not very good at this game??

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Apr 8 2013 11:25 AM

    Another day of inconsistent shots and putts


    Don't take this the wrong way, but after nearly 2 years, and being level 93, your GIR is 58?% and your sand saves and scrambling are less that 30%.


    It may be time to take another approach at how you are trying to get to the green, and when you miss the green, look at different ways to get closer to the pin to make easier putts for your self.


    Curious, on approach shots do you punch very much with your wedges?

    Around the greens, do you use all shots (flop/pitch and chip)?


    My guess is (from your stats) is you may be thinking "fine tuning" just what you know and not venturing in to other shot selections, is holding you back some.

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 2:28 PM


    You have been on this site for almost 2 years. You are a level 93 Master. Has it ever crossed your mind that you are not very good at this game??

    ^^^ .. This

    less bitching .. pay more attention .. take notes >>> on exactly the yds ur clubs carry .. top players can judge to within 1 - 2 yds where their ball will touch down on the green .. thats a fact .. & it requires diligence & practice .. lots of

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 2:55 PM

    I didn't want to comment here, but now I have to. Lucy (WGT) you got some splainin to do. I played a match with another Legend at RSG earlier today. We were having a very good game, all square going to 8. How on earth do you miss 2 putts from less than 2 feet? No soup bowls, no tricky little breaks. the putt just does what it wants. 2 feet dead straight no elevation up or down and it breaks dead right as soon as you strike it. I really find it hard to believe, that I misjudged. As usual I enjoyed the game with my friend, we caught up on what we have been doing, but please WGT, give it a rest. I am not a threat to people wagering their credits, I don't have another account, I want to think I am one of the good guys. But I realize the good guys always finish last. And again, it doesn't matter, all fun, enjoy a round with my friends, whether I play it or the program does.