Agassi1991:If you noticed none of the top players complaining
Well, I know of one from my CC, who posted on our forums some of the odd VEM shots he had had recently. After a couple of weeks he announced he was taking a break from WGT and might be back. We are talking a TL consistently in the top 100. He's been on break for over a month, now.
I was actually logging on to post a couple of oddities on our CC forum. For giggles, I'll put them here for comment.

Pin high 14 ft left of the pin.

Pin high again. 11 ft right of pin. Instead of a 5.5 yd effect, it was 5 ft.
Now that's some serious wind VEM. (BTW I use a slightly different wind formula at K)
In both instances I still made bird, but wished I hadn't had to work so hard for it. Poor result to a couple of dinged shots.