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Booo Legend

Wed, Mar 27 2013 10:34 AM (175 replies)
    1,141 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 7:04 PM

    well well well..

    this thread just gets better an better... :)

    few days ago i said to myself think i will just watch this see where it goes... after the ..

    DON'T BE JOSH'n us LINE.... lmaooo i get my two cent's... 

    BULL ... i agree with the 1st guy who reply'd about not playing together..(bf&gf)..he's dead on..

    the reply from OP... (BOLONY) ... 

    my gut pretty dead on too ... ONE thing i have learned... a CHEAT ..will also''' LIE'' like a dog ... and this being,,NOT, my 1st forum.. i have also seen the OL some one being two ppl act B4... 

    actually what give's u away also,,(to me )...  is yer description's of yer replay shots.. any way ..

    GOOD LUCK with yer CHARADE ..



  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 7:33 PM


    I've played my son from same I.P. adress

    you are absolutely correct  sir  .  whatever was wrong before was obviously my fault, did just try again after reading this and indeed we can play together .  thank you for correcting me on this. 

    My pleasure sir, now go beat the young scamp.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 7:34 PM

    this thread just gets better an better... :)

    I too was just going to sit back, as it amused me when I first saw the post, but of course, I would never break posting guidelines, so said very little.

    But as time passes this has been a very funny thread and would like to thank the Op for creating some entertainment.

    My view is exactly as 2Damflashy, everything about the profiles are simalar, from shots saves descriptions, your forum posts language wise, to the rapid rise, especially after complaining about making legend quickly last time. Then out of nowhere another account blitzes the fields having only a little guidance but knows all the ins and outs of WGT (that could not be learn't in such a short period). And the most implausable fact is you don't even play alt together - its your imaginary friend oops, fiancee, surely thats the ONE person you would play with. Even the score history is an anomoly, one player played heaps until the other name came on board  then vice versa lol

    Keep it going, as I said the funniest post. What amuses me the most is the audacity to even hang around after losing ALL credibility regardless of what Icon says - after all WGT do not have a terribly good strike rate on closing multis down. I for one drew my conclusion very quickly.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 7:34 PM

    He without sin cast the first stone............


    Ill tell you what......WGT in a few cases cause people to create 2 or more accounts. Thats a fact Jack .

    This topic is so beat up I say we start a thread and get games going amongst us honest players. But there will always be 1 bad seed in the bunch. I actually applaud the "Robin Hood" type multi account holders who actually give other members equipment and the means to play this game where otherwise they couldnt afford to. If you get my drift.

    There is nothing wrong with playiong Robin Hood on this site because lets face it...WGT is greedy and charge way too much for some stuff .

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 8:19 PM

    I've noticed that, with long names, the system often displays the first 5 or so characters correctly, then shortens the rest into nonsense.  This is common in the Player Activity log.  It's just some kind of bug.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 8:24 PM


    why do you think we haven't played together? cause of people like you lot, if we did you would all say its cheating in another way, but hopefully when this is cleared up he will play with me, if I can get him off warcraft.

    Why feel the need to defend yourself if you have done nothing wrong ?

    Sorry but your way off base and really should just slip away. The old timers in this forum are gonna eat you for breakfast.


  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 2:55 AM

    LMAO @ BellaNosh

    Our accounts are a record in a database. Surely the "Name" field can be edited. Wgt may not provide that service, but technically changing names is a piece of cake.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 3:21 AM

    The only strange thing here in my opinion is that one of our new moderators hasn't closed this thread. Didn't one of them say that they were going to work 12 hours a day on the forum?

  • Bellabluesilver
    60 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 4:09 AM

    It should be resolved today he said he would look into it first thing today