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500th Match Play Point for Month and Diamond Shield >> finally made it

Sat, Apr 27 2013 4:14 PM (15 replies)
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  • JackTaylor
    225 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2013 6:35 PM

    Just noting this milestone as it is the first and might be the last time I do it. Wow that is a long trip to get to 500 points and I am afraid to figure out how many games I actually played as you only get points for the win. The sad thing is you get the diamond shield but no fanfare, no hooray, no big announcement on your screen when you win this achievement, kind of exhilaration and then someone lets just a squeak of air out of the balloon. LOL. 

    I will say I have encountered more people, made some good golf buddies, helped many people with their game, have some help me. Been to the pro shop too many times for clubs (new irons the old ones wore out)  and balls- how many I don't even want to try and guess.

    Made some good buds that I hope we can play in real life. Played against too many countries to count, won and played all tiers TP and up winning some and losing some and some people getting promoted by beating me.. I still completed in weekly and monthly tournaments, played A/S, skins, stroke, CTTH, blitz, friendly practice matches and in CC tournaments. 

    I now can do my laundry, clean my house, walk the dog - oh wait where is he?

    I will see you on the course maybe even later tonight and be well my friends.

  • BlackGibbon
    349 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2013 6:47 PM

    Lol well done jack. I know you can"t see it but i have rolled red carpet out and am singing an hearty rendition of"for he"s a jolly good fellow". Now opened a beer....... Heres to you mate.

  • JackTaylor
    225 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2013 6:52 PM

    Thanks and before Opy can say it....

    Another good thing has happened in WGT land...

    I know he would say something like this...


  • JackTaylor
    225 Posts
    Thu, Mar 28 2013 7:36 PM

    No worries I found the dog by the door with the leash in his mouth...


  • cougarclaw
    138 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 3:28 PM

    Your my inspiration Jack .  So I set out on the long and grueling journey to seek out 500 points. Only hoping to get the well deserved diamond award that few will ever , " Virtually " hold . As of today , April  12   2013 ,  I have finally made it to the last step of that journey .

     222  wins to reach 501  points .Started with 28 wins and adding the 222 I also got Gold award for 250 wins .  Wish I knew what the all time record was , as I may have continued to try and wrestle it from the Champ . 

    I now can do my laundry, clean my house, walk the dog - oh wait , I don't have a dog !!!


  • JackTaylor
    225 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 10:09 PM must have had an impressive streak and winning percentage. 

    Good Job

  • cougarclaw
    138 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2013 12:17 AM

        Thanks Jack

        Is there any way of finding out who holds the record for match points in one month ?

        I have decided to forge on , as I will never attempt fore-go this journey again . As of the end of April 20th , I have thus far amassed  838 points with a total of 386 wins . 

       The goal set now is to cap it off with 1000  points , or if someone has more , I will try to top that .

       Let me know if u hear or find out anything . Thanks again Jack


  • JackTaylor
    225 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 8:19 PM

    I do not know. You could always look under each persons name and awards.. LOL. Maybe someone will jump on this thread and see or tell who has the most. 

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Tue, Apr 23 2013 11:22 AM

    Well done Jack, tremendous effort and achievement to get 500 points in a month. I didn't even attempt for this figure after I won 303 points in a month, it really takes a huge effort and a lot of good play.

    I only know of one other player who has achieved the same total, so enjoy your achievement with the knowledge that you're in a pretty exclusive club with very few members.

    *just read Cougarclaw's post, very well done too, tremendous effort.

  • WakeIsland
    213 Posts
    Tue, Apr 23 2013 5:01 PM

    Jack I think we have been matched up a few times in Match Play, this is pretty much all I play, but i didn't even know about the awards, went and looked at mine.  Congrats on your accomplishments!  I'm sure we will meet up again. GL and keep hitting them straight!

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