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In game Ball Change

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Tue, Apr 2 2013 12:52 PM (17 replies)
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  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 8:12 AM


    It's all about WGT selling more balls ....

    How? Think about it.



    they offer you the chance to buy more during the round dont they ???

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 8:14 AM

    If you keep your bag topped up does it cost you any more in the long run? If you finish the round with the rocks then they lose hits( Sales)

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 8:18 AM


    The one ball rule as imposed by WGT enables the player to be able to finish the round. That is better than simply disqualifying the player and forcing him/her to lose all credits, time and effort invested in the game at hand as would normally happen in real life. The price you pay for being able to finish the round is being forced to play with those "rocks".

    sugar coat it any way you like ...

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 9:06 AM

    Not a matter of sugar coating it at all.  Just pointing out that it could be a lot worse.  It's WGTs game. It's WGTs rules. No one is forcing you to finish the round with the "rocks". If you don't want to, don't finish the round.

    You conveniently ignore that it is the responsibility of the player to know the rules and play according to the rules. Instead you blame WGT for your shortsightedness.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 9:07 AM


    If you keep your bag topped up does it cost you any more in the long run? If you finish the round with the rocks then they lose hits( Sales)

    How many balls have you bought and will not use them up? This is what costs you and is added revenue to the company. It may not be much but who knows? Of course, the nitpickers and niggards whine about it.

    And I repeat:

    IMHO, WGT does not copy the optional official One Ball Rule of golf but it avoids an in-game choice of the players here. Chad said in the video chat, "we don't want to make a choice for you when it comes to changing balls", or words to that effect. He did not quote the One Ball Rule at all. This is in line with WGT's "no choice" policy - there's not a single choice in the game concerning the players' own game. Forfeit (stroke), pick up (Skins) and concedes (A/S, matches) only finish a hole or a game.

  • Quaco
    16 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 4:42 AM

    Surely the most sensible solution to this matter Is to automatically default to the ball immediately below the ball  in value that has expired.

    For instance, if a player is using a Nike ball that finishes mid-game and your inventory of golf balls happens to include a few Callaway's, Rixon's or WGT premiums, rather than default automatically to the unlimited free ball, perhaps the game can be reprogrammed to replace the expired ball - using this example - with the Callaway, given it's relative worth.

    Does this make sense?

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 11:25 AM

    I suggest the game ends immediately if you run out of your current ball. This would stop all the whining about the one ball rule.

    Oh wait, that would start whining about being DQ'd

    We each have ample time before and even during when the game tells you are on your last ball and suggests purchasing more.

    Stop complaining and play the game. 



  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 12:52 PM

    Complain all you want.

    That's your right.

    The people who constantly browbeat others for complaining would have nothing to increase their posting numbers with if it weren't for people 'voicing their opinions'.


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