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Cheats/Fraud et al

Sun, Nov 17 2013 11:41 AM (186 replies)
  • JFHuber
    435 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 2:17 PM

    I wrote a post in the forum titles "cheating software" I have thought a bit about it since my posting and really think starting a new post and encouraging players to simple read my post and if you agree just add a reply to this post with the post "I WANT A RESPONSE TO THIS WGT" .  Time for the players in the community to have this issue addressed.

    Ah, the ugly vestiges of cheating have started to percolate to general player base at WGT. Many players have heard through the gentle whispers of others during game play the expanding suspicions of cheats and fraud on this site. Cheating through the use of outside software to manipulate or enhance the results of game play or fraud through the use of multiple accounts by a single or group of players.  Surely some of us have entered play with a given player at a given moment in time and then have played that same player a few days/weeks later and noticed a profound change in their playability.  Engaging in a match with a player with mediocre stats (low level, tier, average) and getting crushed by them watching them throw dart after dart at the pin with uncanny accuracy.   In the past maybe we may have said “wow that player was on today”, but now the response is starting to become “Gee, that player has got to be a cheat or a fraud”.  Unfortunately this tarnishing of the integrity of play is beginning to manifest into an ugly playing environment.  The dilemma this causes now, who is responsible for exposing the cheats/frauds and how can we as players prove the existence of a cheat/fraud.  Well first, I know of no concrete method for exposing a cheat/fraud that can be implemented by a player without the accused players allowing themselves to be caught (screenshot with cheat software running etc.).  Second, my thoughts are that the maintenance of the integrity of this game/site solely belongs to WGT.  WGT as the designer/operator of this gaming site is responsible to provide a platform of play that allows the game to be played with intended fairness.  We as players should not be put in a position where we judge at a given moment of play whether or not the game is being played fairly by other players.  The consequences of players being the so called “judge and jury” on cheats/fraud can only have negative results in the long term.  Making accusations of a player’s integrity without clear proof is troubling path to travel for the general good of the game.  Although many of us know the existence of cheats/fraud on this site, without the ability to present clear documented proof, our suspicions are unfortunately at best just suspicions.  Every computer game will create an environment where players will try to manipulate the game to maximize their own personal gains if allowed.  It becomes incumbent on the game’s designer/operator to minimize the ability of cheats/frauds to manifest themselves within the game.  Once the balance of integrity of the game becomes consumed by the advance of cheats/fraud (even the rise of suspicions) the game will begin the death spiral and begin losing its player base (as pointed out by TheBigEasy).  It is not our responsibility as players to police the playability of the game within the intended rules of play.  This responsibility to maintain the integrity of the game is on WGT.  I find it troubling to read many forum posts over the past several months regarding cheats/fraud and fail to find an intelligent thoughtful response from WGT to at least allay our suspicions.  Instead we start having accusations express of specific players being cheats/frauds in other sites forums and players profile pages etc..  Accusations presented without proof can only be considered as slander.  The time has come for WGT to present to the playing community a thoughtful response to the growing fears infecting the integrity of this game (and not a WGTpizza type response).  We all play this game for the challenge, competiveness and fun of playing golf.  As many of us have learned through countless rounds of golf, it is not an easy game to play.  So WGT publish something to address the growing fears here.  Quite honestly as a loyal community of players we deserve that respect.




    Please reply to this post, and if you agree just type or paste in 



    Thanks in advance to all.

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 2:42 PM



    Please reply to this post, and if you agree just type or paste in 



    Thanks in advance to all.

    Just a heads up everyone.... if you post "I WANT A RESPONSE TO THIS WGT" in all caps and that is the only thing in your posting, it will be deleted.  Posting guidelines do not allow for postings to be in all caps.  So yeah post away with that phrase but make it in lower cases so I am not deleting dozens of posts.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 2:48 PM

    Very well stated jfhuber.

    I want a response to this WGT.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 2:48 PM

    Well said WGTdbloshoe .


  • gangaman
    87 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 2:50 PM

    please respond to this WGT. 

  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 2:51 PM

    +1 to Mr  Huber!

    (Now im no grammar ace but you might wanna break that up a bit bud, its tough to read, or maybe its me!)

    -1 to Mr Hoe.

  • ConfusionMaster
    1,658 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 2:51 PM




    Please reply to this post, and if you agree just type or paste in 



    Thanks in advance to all.

    Just a heads up everyone.... if you post "I WANT A RESPONSE TO THIS WGT" in all caps and that is the only thing in your posting, it will be deleted.  Posting guidelines do not allow for postings to be in all caps.  So yeah post away with that phrase but make it in lower cases so I am not deleting dozens of posts.


    - WGTdbloshoe



    I think the rules should be amended or added to that states, posting just a wall of text is not allowed either.

    Use paragraphs and sentances. it makes it easier to read (read, more likely for someone to actually read it and take your point rather than bypassing your post and ignoring you)



  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 2:58 PM

    So funny how wgt came in to speak bout the caps in the post but not respond to the topic.

  • Donko58
    183 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 2:59 PM

    Very well written Mr. Huber. I agree 100%. ( I want a response to this WGT )

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 3:02 PM


    So funny how wgt came in to speak bout the caps in the post but not respond to the topic.

    The posting went up less then an hour ago.  I just wanted to make sure everyone who wanted to post something wouldn't get deleted.  If you expect an off the cuff response to a major topic like cheating I am sorry your not going to get it 5 min after the post went up.

    How about this.... I want a response from cheaters on why they cheat!  So please every cheater, multi account holder, and auto ding user please tell us why you do and provide a undoctored screen shot.


    - WGTdbloshoe