So it is understood i was not looking for a quick answer from WGT. But a thoughtful answer.
As i read through this here are responses that just make me go hmmmmmmm......
"Just a heads up everyone.... if you post "I WANT A RESPONSE TO THIS WGT" in all caps and that is the only thing in your posting, it will be deleted. Posting guidelines do not allow for postings to be in all caps. So yeah post away with that phrase but make it in lower cases so I am not deleting dozens of posts."
- WGTdbloshoe
next a bit out of context but self standing
"How about this.... I want a response from cheaters on why they cheat! So please every cheater, multi account holder, and auto ding user please tell us why you do and provide a undoctored screen shot."
- WGTdbloshoe
and in response to this posting by ConfusionMaster
"I think the rules should be amended or added to that states, posting just a wall of text is not allowed either.
Use paragraphs and sentances. it makes it easier to read (read, more likely for someone to actually read it and take your point rather than bypassing your post and ignoring you)"
i get this
"I second that my eyes hurt after reading about halfway down."
So the quick summation here is
No Caps allowed.....check
Cheaters should turn themselves in ......check
No long run on paragraphs, too difficult to read.........check
This reminds me of someone from past .........hmmmmmm