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Cheats/Fraud et al

Sun, Nov 17 2013 11:41 AM (186 replies)
  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 8:19 PM

    Right on the nose my friend.....they will never make this go away.....its about that all mighty dollar....too bad. But that is the world we live in. The WGT world.

  • marcbgd
    81 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 8:47 PM

    I want a response to this wgt.  I have been here for four years. This is not a new concern, but the response has always been, that it's not happening. Wake up wgt..I downloaded a swing bot for wgt over 3 years ago..tried it for a few rounds and  it worked, and then I dumped it. I didn't want to play that way. So, wake up and smell the situation. It exist, it's up to wgt to monitor this. Any time a  player reaches Legend in less than 400 rounds,,something somewhere is wrong....don't you think??

  • Bellabluesilver
    60 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 9:07 PM

    Its all rubbish, the truth is if you want to be shoot low scores you have to be good at the game.

    you have to calculate every shot, know what the wind does, know what elevation will do to your ball on landing, know what side of the hole to land the ball.

    If anyone thinks there is a programme out there that does that then your just deluded.

    If you do everything I said above you will land it close to the hole, then you learn to putt and you will shoot in the 20s and 50s

  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 9:25 PM

    Tell u what.....if u have an auto dinger and you learn how to play with it.....which would be a hell of a lot easier than trusting your finger to ding will get very good very fast.

    Think about know your going to hit the just get used to playing the winds and break on seriously don't think if you could repeat a perfect ding EVERY SINGLE TIME you wouldn't get better.

    Your out of your mind.......of course their are wind variations and break and all that.....but your taking one of the things that is never a constant and making it a constant, you've eliminated one huge component to worry about.....its a cheat and its being used.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 9:27 PM

    Some thoughts on this cheating.  Over 3 years ago it was said you couldn't cheat!  There is no software available!  Some (at that time Master was at the top) were hitting in mid, and high 50's regularly.  Was I affected?, NO!  I do not play for credits.

    At this time the question of cheating software seems to have been answered in 1 case as yes! it is available.  Some Tour Legends are scoring in the low 50's regularly.  Am I affected?, again NO!  I still do not play for credits.

    Persons with more than 1 account, is that really cheating?  I do not know.  Am I affected by a player with more than 1 account?  NO!  I do not play for credits.

    I may seem to have over simplified the situation, but it does seem that the real solution is to not play for credits.

     For those players who do not enjoy the game without the additional challenge of wagers being made between adult players, let the wager beware!

    A little bit of horse sense goes a long way.  My nickle

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 9:28 PM



    Some thoughts on this cheating.  Over 3 years ago it was said you couldn't cheat!  There is no software available!  Some (at that time Master was at the top) were hitting in mid, and high 50's regularly.  Was I affected?, NO!  I do not play for credits.

    At this time the question of cheating software seems to have been answered in 1 case as yes! it is available.  Some Tour Legends are scoring in the low 50's regularly.  Am I affected?, again NO!  I still do not play for credits.

    Persons with more than 1 account, is that really cheating?  I do not know.  Am I affected by a player with more than 1 account?  NO!  I do not play for credits.

    I may seem to have over simplified the situation, but it does seem that the real solution is to not play for credits.

     For those players who do not enjoy the game without the additional challenge of wagers being made between adult players, let the wager beware!

    A little bit of horse sense goes a long way.  My nickle



    Any time a  player reaches Legend in less than 400 rounds,,something somewhere is wrong....don't you think??

    there's nothing wrong with reaching legend in under 400 rounds


    Best way to combat cheating is for players to work with WGT, instead of putting all the responsibility on their side. If you suspect a player of cheat, report them but at least have good reasons to why you think they've cheated. Hitting Legend in under 400 rounds or because the player consistently hit sub 30 rounds with crappy equipment is not  enough reason.

    People are just going to have to accept that cheating will always exist in some way or form. As soon as any new game is released, the cheat programmers will have a working cheat for it....and not much can be done about it.

    From what I've seen on WGT.....WGT don't really need to catch the cheats because the cheats seem only too willing to out themselves posting screenshots with the cheat proggy running in the taskbar......I call this "The Shommy"

  • foregettaboutit
    227 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 10:21 PM

    I know i'm tired of the whole cheating topic, as i'm sure are many others, but every day that there is not a system put in place by WGT to do something about the issue, it just gets worse and more people get annoyed. 

    Wgt has asked that if we have proof or evidence of a player cheating to contact wgt privately and they will take action. That is all well and good, and should weed out some of the cheats, except it is difficult to prove a player is cheating. 

    Players that have put in the time, rounds, practice, exc.. to become proficient at this game can easily look at a players profile/stats and see when something is amiss. Wgt should be able to do the same. 

    The whole crux of the issue is that WGT needs to do something PROACTIVE to stop the cheaters/multis. I would imagine they are working on it, but it sounds like there is increasing anger among many longstanding and established players, so they better hurry. 

    Wgt just has to understand that the longer they take to put in a system that PREVENTS a player from cheating or creating an additional accounts the more backlash they are going to get from players that want solutions. 


    Its all rubbish, the truth is if you want to be shoot low scores you have to be good at the game.

    you have to calculate every shot, know what the wind does, know what elevation will do to your ball on landing, know what side of the hole to land the ball.

    If anyone thinks there is a programme out there that does that then your just deluded.

    If you do everything I said above you will land it close to the hole, then you learn to putt and you will shoot in the 20s and 50s

    BellaNosh, are u still talking? Just do us all a favor and go away already!




  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 10:36 PM


  • Donko58
    183 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 11:29 PM

    I think if WGT incorporated a " ding % stat in in everyones profile it would be easy to pick out the cheaters. If you looked at someones stats and see 100% dings it would be a dead giveaway..........just saying

  • angelsgolfing
    211 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2013 11:35 PM

    you would need two , done heard the word on you BELL THAT UR A GUY multi account . cheaters of cheaters lol coming out on cheating WOW .............