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Cheats/Fraud et al

Sun, Nov 17 2013 11:41 AM (186 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,752 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 1:54 AM


    couldnt we all sign a new terms and conditions agreement allowing WGT to randomly scan our processes, and look for any known wgt cheat software......just a idea dont know if its possible

    That would be a good thing but there are many who would claim that anything like that would be an invasion of their privacy. No matter what WGT does if there is a way to cheat or try to cheat there will be players willing to try it even if there was a possibility of getting caught and banned.

  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 3:17 AM



    know what the wind does, know what elevation will do to your ball on landing, know what side of the hole to land the ball.


    Aparently some of us know this on their first day.  Amazing.



    How about this.... I want a response from cheaters on why they cheat!  So please every cheater, multi account holder, and auto ding user please tell us why you do and provide a undoctored screen shot.

    Well, your request was at least partly fulfilled.



    1. I'm still learning to read wind , elevation and where to land the ball after several hundred rounds more than the poster of the comment , guess i must be slow to learn .

    2. Lol


    2,580 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 4:00 AM


    Its all rubbish, the truth is if you want to be shoot low scores you have to be good at the game.

    you have to calculate every shot, know what the wind does, know what elevation will do to your ball on landing, know what side of the hole to land the ball.

    If anyone thinks there is a programme out there that does that then your just deluded.

    If you do everything I said above you will land it close to the hole, then you learn to putt and you will shoot in the 20s and 50s

    Oh right, i didnt realise that....... not. So explain this shot to me then., I have a shot that is 140 yards away, no elevation, with a 15mph direct headwind. I use my 155 yard club with full power, with a little bit of backspin, i ding the shot, but my ball lands at 120 yards, and maybe even 7 or 8 yards out to the left or right, maybe even in the rough. Oh, and yes, the correct club has been used, because i double click the actual club just to make sure.

    Explain to me how when 2 of us land in identical spots in the rough, that my opponent is in 25% rough, but i always seem to be in 40-50% rough?

    Explain to me how, when i have a 10mph left to right wind, and i move my aimer to the left hand side edge of the fairway, and i hit my shot just before the ding line, but my ball sails way out to the right hand side, and lands in the rough?

    I could go on and on. Dont try tell me i havent calculated my shots properly. Sorry Bella, but What you say is just total nonsense, even though you would think it should be that easy.

    No, i am not imagining this. Its constant, and never gives up.

    P.S. Thank you WGT for returning the ball i lost as a ridiculous result of a totally mad outcome from 1 of these shots, but it seems a few e-mails i sent on the subject of this thread are just being ignored at best.


  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 4:01 AM

    I agree with the initial post, a long way back in the thread and would like to thank WGTdbloshoe for his responses, though not providing any answers.

    I would like to ask, we all know WGT posts players in the community spotlight who have been noted by WGT for there uncanny ability, would it be possible for WGT to publish in the "Announcements and News" thread, exactly how many players have been punished every month and what those punishments were?

    It's all very well, WGT stating that they are constantly monitoring the situation, but very little is heard about the punishments.

    A monthly list of the punishments issued (no need to name those punished), may act as a deterrent to others, who may feel, everybody else is getting away with it, why should'nt  I...

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 4:19 AM

    still no reply from WGT as to at least give a clue they are looking into it ???


    i do get suspicious of any player i play with a 92% + driving accuracy,not saying they are cheating,just makes me wonder !!

    just sayin.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 6:12 AM

    We deserve a substantial response, really addressing the issue, WGT.


  • akebono77
    18 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 6:36 AM

    we need a response to this wgt

  • Bellabluesilver
    60 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 6:40 AM

    Ecka said that auto dingers work on time, if that's true wouldn't they only be useful on 100% shots?

    you use 100% to drive, never to putt and only on around 40% of approach shots ??

  • akebono77
    18 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 7:00 AM

    a suggesstion to wgt on how to solve the cheating problems...

    1) cheaters using autodingers,....running macro scripts..recordable macros...and programmes that can control the mouse click based on timing...and delays...

     these are the most rampants usage that has been known to be used by cheaters..and if wgt wants to solve this problems..they have to programme and create and introduce random ball speed...on all the balls....for eg:

    nike balls level 71 has a speed of ....1.031sec

    so wgt has to built in a variable speed for these balls of between 1.025sec and that every shot that is taken ...the ball will play at random speed of the variables..and every time it is played it will select at random the speed within that speed band of 1.025 to 1.035 sec...

    this will not effect the hand and eye coordination. or meter speed  too much .which true honest players are using..while cheaters using auto dingging will suffer hell

    all balls should be programmed in this speed random band that everyone has to use hand and eye reflex play

    2) cheat engine and programmes that slows down meter..

    nothing much to prevent this except...making the ready gos...have a timer of 90 secs or 60 secs or maybe even 45 secs.... to hit your shot...same it is with CTTH .....this will at least eliminate people of using cheat engines to slow down their meters and is much fairer for everyone to play.....

    if wgt is really serious in tackling the issues of cheating...they should try the above sugesstions .. ..i guarantee you the scoreboard with all tournaments and ready gos will definately be more realistic and we will not always have the same cheaters winning

    wgt please respond to this !!!!! im waiting


  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 7:58 AM

    Whilst I have always felt there are cheaters in the game, I have always felt it was a very very small number of individuals. I do think that number is higher now than it was a couple of years back. The bigger problem for WGT is there is a real perception amongst regular players that the problem is much, much bigger than it possibly is in reality.

    Just because somebody joins and becomes Legend in a few months doesn't make them a cheat. This game is so much easier now than it was 3 years ago. Off the champ tees with the best equipment you are able to drive the ball to where I used to hit it when I was a Master playing with G10s and an R9 driver. Not only that but the swing meter is way slower and the forgiveness makes it nigh on impossible to miss fairways.

    The learning curve now to get to a good standard is a far shorter journey than it previously was and you can get there without learning the same shots you had to a few years back. You needed to be able to chip, pitch, punch and flop to a high standard back then and it was far harder nailing down how far the ball would run with the lower grade balls. I haven't hit a chip shot in 18 months, I rarely ever flop unless I have no other option and pitching is a breeze compared to a few years back.

    The bottom line is if a new player gets good at putting in a short period of time, he'll be shooting the lights out within a shorter period than it took the old stagers....