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Mon, Apr 22 2013 8:25 AM (10 replies)
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  • spamster21
    1 Posts
    Sun, Mar 31 2013 7:03 PM

    Is it obvious to anyone else that the accuracy and trajectory of the ball has no relationship whatsoever with your ability to manipulate the slider bar?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 1:11 AM

    The starters clubs are not all that accurate or forgiving and are low trajectory clubs. Having said that you can still score well with them with practice.

  • Badfinger100
    54 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 1:21 AM

    Wow,a member since july 2010,you should play more than one game in  nearly 3 years it might just help you improve LOL.....

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 1:56 AM


    Wow,a member since july 2010,you should play more than one game in  nearly 3 years it might just help you improve LOL.....

    +1 If you want to play well , you have to play more. This isnt your everyday kids game. You have to put your time in ,get banged up , and drug around , to play this game. It will break your heart , and may cause you to lose your mind , if you arent careful . So the bottom line is , is that if you want to be taken seriously , you have to play more. Right now due to your lack of game play, you dont have any reason to complain about the game , because you havent  learned the game yet. No disrespect intended. Happy Swinging


  • Andrewhill175
    15 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 2:59 AM

    The big money spinner.....

    so true I have been playing a few months now and a lot too, since joining wgt I have noticed a few bad points about the game and what i have found is that the game in not all that consistant.

    some may say you have to work out each shot using maths lol I thing its more to do with memory than anything els.

    you can add and subtract all you like but it dosent work.... if you want to get good play on a real golf course you stand a better chance! lol

    the game plays better for those that have the right connection and servers.... its all down to where you live, but the game is for fun and there are some out there that take it to Seriously... dont do that it sucks.

  • Dallas5xsb
    556 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 11:04 AM

    You have to play and practice to get good. It helps to learn the courses and what each club is capable of doing. Lies, wind, equipment all play a factor in the game. But playing more is the key and good equipment helps tremendously. The game will be easier with better clubs, practice and patience combined. Just one month ago I was a novice at 77.00 average now with with some upgraded middle of the line clubs( I still use the WGT driver)

    I'm a tour pro with a 67.74 average. I play daily and do my homework. It's been both frustrating at times and rewarding. You gotta put the work in to be successful and doing homework and upgrading clubs will benefit you. Happy Golfing!!

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 11:49 AM

    The club and ball specs (precision, forgiveness, spin, distance, etc.) have a very real effect on the predictability of the flight and roll of the ball. It's what induces people to spend credits on equipment upgrades.

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 3:08 PM


    I 'gotta call you here.

    I'm a 'nobody' Master, who has mediocre stats (some would say - well 'barfy stats).

    When I could, I bought an R11S driver - specs said it would go (?257 yds?). It went pretty darned far as compared to my earlier RKTBZ!! (paid for with Survey Credits)

    Qualified for the R1(specs said it'd go 275) and loved it -It actually will go substantially over (and under) 275, when you figure out how to use it.

    Tried the BlackX balls (yeah, made a ton for WGT) but learned to handle balls with less 'feel'. (still pay too much for the balls  - BUT THAT'S MY CHOICE).

    Yes (maybe) there's VEM or "gremlins" or something affecting the flight of my drives - but mostly, I've noticed, IT'S ME!

    If I don't  "ding" the stroke, GUESS WHAT(?):  the ball doesn't go where I wanted it to!! (Surprise -------- NOT)

    I'm not here to 'badmouth" you or anybody else - but I ask, at the risk of starting a p****r measuring contest, that you contribute positively.

    This game isn't perfect.

    Yes - WGT is in business to make money (after all why put up with the pain if you can't have a reward?).

    Yes, there are glitches in the program.

    YES - this isn't the 'ever lovin'  PGA  AND I'm not trying to make a living here ------

    So -Please, lighten up.  :  )



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 9:50 PM

    What's your question, W, what's the point of your statement towards Bubba?

    Besides some respectable personal statements, I only see "contribute  positively", and this Bubba did.

    Equipment of higher level and higher price indeed has more dots on the chart usually, adding positive characteristics to the game.

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 7:16 AM

    Alosso you are absolutely correct, and Bubba I apologize because I TOTALLY misread your statement.  The "dots' are an excellent indicator of how the equipment behaves.  I guess I've read too many ''WGT is out to get us" threads and reacted to the statement about WGT selling upgraded equipment rather than comprehended what was said!!   No more late PM Posts for me.


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