I 'gotta call you here.
I'm a 'nobody' Master, who has mediocre stats (some would say - well 'barfy stats).
When I could, I bought an R11S driver - specs said it would go (?257 yds?). It went pretty darned far as compared to my earlier RKTBZ!! (paid for with Survey Credits)
Qualified for the R1(specs said it'd go 275) and loved it -It actually will go substantially over (and under) 275, when you figure out how to use it.
Tried the BlackX balls (yeah, made a ton for WGT) but learned to handle balls with less 'feel'. (still pay too much for the balls - BUT THAT'S MY CHOICE).
Yes (maybe) there's VEM or "gremlins" or something affecting the flight of my drives - but mostly, I've noticed, IT'S ME!
If I don't "ding" the stroke, GUESS WHAT(?): the ball doesn't go where I wanted it to!! (Surprise -------- NOT)
I'm not here to 'badmouth" you or anybody else - but I ask, at the risk of starting a p****r measuring contest, that you contribute positively.
This game isn't perfect.
Yes - WGT is in business to make money (after all why put up with the pain if you can't have a reward?).
Yes, there are glitches in the program.
YES - this isn't the 'ever lovin' PGA AND I'm not trying to make a living here ------
So -Please, lighten up. : )