Yall are calculating way to much!! It's golf. The more you try to calculate the putt the worse off you are!
There is some truth to this... I still use a calculator and a home made ruler stuck to the bottom of my screen, and a notebook to some degree. But the nature of the beast is that any swing (be it a putter, or any other club) pulled back to full or 3/4 or halfway etc. is essentially non-linear and coupled to probably a dozen other variables.
Now you can take copious notes and arrive at precise formulae and detailed mapped locations for a given green. And I can think of a few people I know that would have enormous fun taking into account a prodigious number of calculations before taking a shot.
But the brain is an amazing thing. On the other side of the spectrum there are people that just know this stuff intuitively. It takes them about 12 seconds to do the above and do it better consistently... repeatedly.
I guess I'm somewhere in the middle where I calculate to some extent but don't spend time on it to the point where I consider it work rather than fun.