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Having a brain burp

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Fri, Apr 5 2013 11:28 PM (12 replies)
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  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 7:35 PM

    Hey you guys/dolls I'm having a problem for some reason. I know that every 1in up is +1 ft. 1in. down -1 ft.,  every 3ft. up +3yd, 3 ft. down -4 yd., Now when it comes to uphill putt is 54 ft. with 2 ft. in the box I'm thinking 56 ft. putt. (54+2=56) but I'm not getting nowhere near to the hole. If it is 3ft = 1yd. should it be 54+3=57 which is not working either. I've hit it 70+ ft. and still did not make it. And that is with 20+ tailwind wind.  What is that calculation please. Maybe as I said in the title (brain burp or something) Lord knows I have enough rank games.

    Thanks, pjschaub

  • davebears
    15 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 7:47 PM

    Hello, The calculation for this would be 12 feet for every foot of rise or downslope.  Your calculation for the 56 foot putt with 2 feet of rise would be 56 + 24 = 80.  That is how I have always figured it.  Hope it works!


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 7:47 PM

    I know that every 1in up is +1 ft. 1in. down -1 ft., ...... Now when it comes to uphill putt is 54 ft. with 2 ft. in the box I'm thinking 56 ft. putt. (54+2=56) but I'm not getting nowhere near to the hole....... I've hit it 70+ ft. and still did not make it.

    So wouldn't the 2 ft up equal 24 inches, making it 24 ft needs to be added. So 54+24= 78 ft.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 7:51 PM

    Now when it comes to uphill putt is 54 ft. with 2 ft. in the box I'm thinking 56 ft. putt.

    2 Feet = 24 inches

    So 54+24=78

    However  putts over this distance start with more gusto and slowly lose the inertia the further they go. Therfore this is not exact and comes with experience. It also largely depends on where the greatest rise is, then it can be downhill thus putts gathering pace after the hill. Watch the grid very carefully on the long putts.

    Edit - Zio must type faster than me lol. Also it helps to break longer putts with rises/fall/breaks into segments - do the calculations for each segment.

  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 7:53 PM

    So wouldn't the 2 ft up equal 24 inches, making it 24 ft needs to be added. So 54+24= 78 ft.


    Dang I knew I was thinking out my ***, thanks ZMio

  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 7:55 PM

    Wathch the grid very carefully on the long putts.


    Will do thank you. Alanti


  • tiger319
    1,186 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 7:59 PM

    Yall are calculating way to much!!  It's golf.  The more you try to calculate the putt the worse off you are! 

  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2013 9:22 PM


    Yall are calculating way to much!!  It's golf.  The more you try to calculate the putt the worse off you are! 

    There is some truth to this...  I still use a calculator and a home made ruler stuck to the bottom of my screen, and a notebook to some degree.  But the nature of the beast is that any swing (be it a putter, or any other club) pulled back to full or 3/4 or halfway etc. is essentially non-linear and coupled to probably a dozen other variables. 

    Now you can take copious notes and arrive at precise formulae and detailed mapped locations for a given green.  And I can think of a few people I know that would have enormous fun taking into account a prodigious number of calculations before taking a shot. 

    But the brain is an amazing thing.  On the other side of the spectrum there are people that just know this stuff intuitively.  It takes them about 12 seconds to do the above and do it better consistently... repeatedly. 

    I guess I'm somewhere in the middle where I calculate to some extent but don't spend time on it to the point where I consider it work rather than fun.


  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 5:09 AM

    The math process of the game is by far falling to the wayside because I have been playing for so long, but I still can put myself in a spot where I have no other alternative but to calculate my situation. I have the hardest time hitting the mark, I leave so many birdies hanging inches away or going by the hole because of miss hits (meter). I still don't see how people can come to a game and hit 27's and 59's game in and game out. I have never been a gamer my first game was Pong and then it was nothing till space invaders and again nothing till this. I have more fun at this game because I love real golf and it is addicting to an addict who has gave up drugs and alcohol (one day at a time) So if I need some advice I will ask those who can give me an answer that will build me up not tare at my defects. I appreciate the answers to my question and can understand some that have no problem hitting low day in and day out.

    Keep the peace, pjschaub

  • jzepol
    28 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2013 9:06 AM

    try the CTTH best of putting i learned alot there about speed and how to use it to my advantage on fast breaking putts

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