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The US Open with Uneven Lies?

Tue, Apr 30 2013 4:16 PM (93 replies)
  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 9:34 AM

    If so....U THE MAN!

    That's the 1,000,000 credit question.  Is he a man ????

    Or is he a muppet ... if he's a muppet ... then he's a muppet of a man.


  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 6:07 AM


    If so....U THE MAN!

    That's the 1,000,000 credit question.  Is he a man ????

    Or is he a muppet ... if he's a muppet ... then he's a muppet of a man.


    Lol Ivetri, u better start practicing uneven lies ;-)


  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 6:14 AM

    As i am one who have played my fair share of Uneven lies , whether in rg's or practice rounds, It would be the worst thing wgt could do if they added Unevens to the US OPEN. Until there are more options with the avatar stance and stuff than this would be a huge freaking joke.  I would say the maybe a few people would like it but not many for sure. 

    164 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 6:37 AM

    ....mentiras desiguales NO!!!!!!


  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 8:13 AM

    I will put my 2 cents in ....US Open in Uneven lies = Me not playing simple!

    The only way to let WGT know its not fully ready is to not play. Its to much a Crap Shoot the way it is now and very unrealistic. Once a Draw fade option becomes part of it then I am interested......till then no Uneven lies PLEASE!



    PS: I will add that most people I have noticed that like it are either the players that have been around a long while (Thus looking for a new challenge) or the ones that cant seem to ever compete with the top dogs, Just a observation is all!

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 10:13 AM

    I will put my 2 cents in ....US Open in Uneven lies = Me not playing simple!

    I think if all the players that won't play uneven lies put 2 cents in then someone could be very rich indeed. 

    or the ones that cant seem to ever compete with the top dogs

    So very true. I read somewhere that some of these guys think it's a challenge. Let me tell you this, running across a railroad track and not getting hit by the train is a challenge. Doesn't mean to say i want to do it :)


    I said it earlier in the thread they should do a separate even lies and a separate uneven lies and i stick by it. If it's completely unevens then expect to see 80% WD on the leaderboard. 

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 11:08 AM

    For sure UEL's are a challenge, but I find SA in low winds a challenge too;)


    What makes it fun though, is hitting the ball near the


    You really have to forget a lot of what you think is right, like how winds don't affect approach shots with severe tough to play SA 17..13mph left to right wind, yet slope is right to still aim at the concrete wall hit a bit late, just to try and find the green!

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 11:29 AM

    Don't think have to worry about Open being played in Uneven lies, might have 2 Opens though. If they only play Open in uneven lies, do you realize the money they would lose just on balls alone from players not playing.

    Think about the ball loss in the unlimited qualifier, they would lose thousands easy. And..........i don't think that is going to happen........:)

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 11:43 AM

    You really have to forget a lot of what you think is right, like how winds don't affect approach shots with severe tough to play SA 17..13mph left to right wind, yet slope is right to still aim at the concrete wall hit a bit late, just to try and find the green!

    I get your point Mike. The approach shots from the fairway are fine. Humps on the fairway or just off the fairway are fine-ish. It's just when you miss a green. You shouldn't have to aim 40yds right to allow for the uneven lie when you're only 15yds away from the pin.

    I'm really looking forward to Merion and the US Open this year. Last year was the 1st time i qualified for a major and was just in it to have fun and make up the numbers. This year i think i could make a good challenge if i start ok but if it's in uneven lies i just don't think i'll bother. The winner of the US Open in uneven lies will be who ever is the luckiest...simple.

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 11:44 AM


    ... do you realize the money they would lose just on balls alone from players not playing.

    Put it the other way around, WGT would make more money by players going in the water with uneven lies.

    Seriously, I do not think the big guys would let the Open pass through without given it a try or probably many tries on uneven lies.....this is not any Uneven Lies Invitational or RG, this is the Open!!!!
