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The US Open with Uneven Lies?

Tue, Apr 30 2013 4:16 PM (93 replies)
  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 7:59 AM

    Pretending every lie, including in bunkers, is perfectly flat is flawed as well

    The 'pretend every lie is flat' version of gameplay is 1000X more true to life than the absolute crapshoot that is 'uneven lies' at this point. 

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 7:59 AM


    Which you would think would be pretty easy by just having the ability to move the spin dot sideways instead of just up and down.

    Exactly what I've been wanting and have asked for since I joined here.

  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 9:22 AM

    UL for US open would be ridiculous, especially when it is still so unrealistic........would turn it into a joke of a tournament........

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 9:23 AM


    A whole bunch of good stuff.

    I've played UL quite a bit actually. I actually shot a 28 in one of the first BoF UL RGs they had. So I do have experience with UL. But I still think it's flawed.

    As I've stated numerous times, I'm all for UL and making the game more realistic. Just not in it's current state. And especially not with the limitations we have on ball flight.

    I've ran into many shots in UL from side hill lies where I had no chance of even getting the ball close to the green. And that's 160-180 yrds from the middle of the fairway. I guarantee you I can get the ball there IRL from that lie by adjusting my stance and/or club face/swing angle.

    And that's just the flaw in side hill lies. God forbid you get uphill lie with medium/fast moving dots that deducts 75 yrds off a 130 yrd shot. Yeah, no flaw there.

    And for the ones who say "It's the same flaws for eveyone" Yes, I realize it's the same for everyone.  But the game also plays the same for everyone without UL.

    I'm not trying to offend anyone here. And I will probably get a lot of grief for mentioning this, but I could care less. It seems to me the members who want UL implemented are the members who can't seem to progress any further or can't compete at the higher level. UL levels the playing field for them because it's so inconsistent it makes everyone mediocre. Then again, maybe I'm wrong.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 9:27 AM

    I'd like to see it on UEL, but..we'd have to have it available for practice first (UEL at Merion), we'd need to know where to layup, etc.


    After a few UEL SA Tourneys, you find out where to hit the ball and 325 yard drives are not what you want on many holes.


      To just have the quals in normal play, then make one of the rounds UEL at the Open, would be a total crap cannot learn to manage the course, if it's the first time you see it;)

  • Kriztjan
    1,437 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 9:39 AM

    The idea of UnevenLies is good, however, as alot of players have noticed, a wedge from 50yds should not turn 11yds on minimal dotmovement, and shortgame is just terrible, therefor the game playes better with even lies at the moment, UEL is flawed and nowhere near the compromises you need to to IRL on simulair lies.


    UEL isnt about skill, its just to random how much ball moves, and again, shortgame is  so flawed in UEL it takes the fun out of it.