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Fri, Jun 7 2013 1:59 AM (27 replies)
  • PJSnumber1
    2 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 11:37 AM

    Well I have spent at least $150.00 on balls this year and just last week bought 12 more and now they are all gone but four. I am done buying the expensive balls!  The game takes them out of play as fast as you can put a new one down. I feel that if the game is geared toward making you lose all you payed for game balls than that's the end of that.  It's really a shame that this type of thing has to happen for the gain of a giant corporation. The little guy always pays for the monetary addictions of the big profit business.

    Thanks WGT really what a great job your doing, THHHAAAAAATTT(fart sound).

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 12:50 PM


    Yeah, I know it sounds ridiculous but 8 balls in two days

    Ye Gods ! I'll never complain again !

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 12:52 PM

    I'm sure that's what they are doing.


    They are trying to get you so upset that you leave and not buy anymore balls.


    I'm sure that is their Business Model.


  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 12:52 PM

    Sorry to hear that. I'm always sympathetic to folks who "lose" their balls.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 12:58 PM

    I hit the meter on the exact mark and the meter keeps traveling to the end of the board

    Looks like that is where the problem is.... what browser are you using to play the game? Chrome?

  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 1:00 PM


    WGT, cheats all the time if they know you are rare at loosing balls they will make you loose them .That's right Make you, How you ask? I hit the meter on the exact mark and the meter keeps traveling to the end of the board and then releases my ball to slice to the right in the water or weeds or whatever obstacle is there. Yeah, I know it sounds ridiculous but 8 balls in two days from a Tour Pro, common give me a break!

    WGT has always done this and if you read some of the comments you'll realize that WGT has but one thing in mind, PROFIT! They call the US the snake of capitalism not like these guys!

    I do think the ball life on them has shortened.....if there was an issue try emailing them and explaining the issue..ive had the issue long time back and it was resolved  correctly.


    Edit" I am married so is it WGT that i need to ask for where my balls are? lol

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Wed, Apr 17 2013 2:21 AM

    Maybe play the free ball ? A lot less frustrating I can tell you.


  • AntonioBunkeras
    262 Posts
    Wed, Apr 17 2013 2:29 AM

    I hit the meter on the exact mark and the meter keeps traveling to the end of the board and then releases my ball to slice to the right in the water or weeds or whatever obstacle is there.
    This has never ever, ever, happened to me in the 3 years I've been playing here.

    Maybe you should check your browser and such, as ZioMio suggested. Are you sure you are hitting the meter on the exact mark?

    Good luck and sorry to hear about your misfortune, but I dont believe WGT are making you lose your balls on purpose.



  • BuddhaDharma
    45 Posts
    Wed, Apr 17 2013 2:44 AM

    Wow, can you imagine a guy losing his balls?  That has to suck!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Apr 17 2013 3:02 AM

    Sorry, I do not believe your conspiracy theory. To loose 8 balls in two days either you suck real bad or you are having computer issues. I would think it is the latter as whilst your stats are not great, they are not THAT bad lol.

    Try to optimise your PC as described in the FAQ's but try another browser, I seldom have issues but I do clear my cache,  especially your flash cache. One problem could also be your background processes - monitor these when you play (I use Tantri Meter) as some processes will cause exactly what you have described (such as virus scanners). Some people us programs such as Games Booster to close unwanted programs when playing.

    I cant recall the last time I lost a ball and I am sure WGT are not targeting you.

    One last note, I would switch to a cheaper ball - not cause you lose them, but I feel from your tees and clubs, you will not get the most out of them.