Sorry, I do not believe your conspiracy theory. To loose 8 balls in two days either you suck real bad or you are having computer issues. I would think it is the latter as whilst your stats are not great, they are not THAT bad lol.
Try to optimise your PC as described in the FAQ's but try another browser, I seldom have issues but I do clear my cache, especially your flash cache. One problem could also be your background processes - monitor these when you play (I use Tantri Meter) as some processes will cause exactly what you have described (such as virus scanners). Some people us programs such as Games Booster to close unwanted programs when playing.
I cant recall the last time I lost a ball and I am sure WGT are not targeting you.
One last note, I would switch to a cheaper ball - not cause you lose them, but I feel from your tees and clubs, you will not get the most out of them.