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WTF has gone wrong with the flop

rated by 0 users
Wed, May 1 2013 12:52 AM (66 replies)
  • pdxdriver
    2,628 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 1:00 PM

    night night


  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 1:02 PM


    Friend up and settle in private!

    Neither of the above will happen Zio.

    Anyway, this "big bad bully" is done here, I must tell my missus this one, she'll laugh herself to tears.

    Who knew 1 or 2 sleeves to have someone teach me everything they knew was a high cost? Ah well, cant please everybody.




  • tcz7149
    536 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 1:11 PM



    Friend up and settle in private!

    Neither of the above will happen Zio.

    Anyway, this "big bad bully" is done here, I must tell my missus this one, she'll laugh herself to tears.

    Who knew 1 or 2 sleeves to have someone teach me everything they knew was a high cost? Ah well, cant please everybody.




    Ok Lizard, now I want my thousands of dollars back, that you charged me for all the tips you gave me. A sleeve of balls? Geez man you really ripped me off dude. You big bad bully you.  :^)

  • mickycuba
    1 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 2:03 PM

    sir, I agree with you on your comments. Its so frustrating if  you have a bad game one night and your fellow players (on alternative shot game) slag you off, for god's sake its only a game !!!  The other thing that annoys me is when you log on to a team game it takes forever for the lead player to start (initiate game) its a real pain at times.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 2:41 PM



    The fringe does make a difference. The ball travels 10% further in the air and skids more on landing.

    That makes no sense to me. If it spends more time in the air,  should it not land at a steeper angle, with more spin?

    No. It travels further from the fringe than the fairway, not higher, so is on a flatter trajectory. Hence more skid. Applies to chips, pitches, or flops.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 3:06 PM

    That's very helpful thanks fmagnets

    Here's floppie #2 with a G12-S ball this time

    and here is a long iron


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 3:29 PM




    The fringe does make a difference. The ball travels 10% further in the air and skids more on landing.

    That makes no sense to me. If it spends more time in the air,  should it not land at a steeper angle, with more spin?

    No. It travels further from the fringe than the fairway, not higher, so is on a flatter trajectory. Hence more skid. Applies to chips, pitches, or flops.


    Actually it does make sense, the fringe is cut lower than the fairway, hence harder to get under the ball creating a lower trajectory than when the ball is "sitting up" on the fairway.

    And with FM stats and scores proves he does know a little about this game lol

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 5:34 PM

    Hey Courtney, my bunker play sucks too


    Floppie #3  again with G12-S ball


    No 2 shots are ever the same, are they Courtney; here's floppie #4 from a 30-40% lie and only 8 yards

    And here's floppie #5, just a regular 10 yards from fairway, pity it missed

    Now all we need is a smart ar$e to come in here and say my "greens in regulation" statistic really sucks

    1,141 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 6:54 PM

    DING DING DING ...... ima chime in...

    well miss FISH ... 

    my take on yer stats is... WHOOPtee DOO...  they are fake..

    when i see some one with very few ranked rounds,,, that says they QUIT alot on their bad rounds an only KEPT or finish'd the good ones... 

    as i study'd yer history.. 90% u play'd BY yerself.. .. in an unlimited format... the FEW scatter'd rounds i seen that u play'd in multi player .. had what i would call normal AVG legend score's  ..

    being able to play well under pressure ...of actual in the moment competition is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY  different than postin some score by yerself... .. prolly why u declined the match .. 

    my stats suck...i played an didn't giva crap about em with starter stuff till.i made master.. but mine are tru blue.. never quit a single game..intentionally ,,, but i will be glad to play ya a match ... .. my golf balls can't read yer stat's 


    BRING IT !!  .... ya scart ?? 

  • foregettaboutit
    227 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 7:54 PM




    The fringe does make a difference. The ball travels 10% further in the air and skids more on landing.

    That makes no sense to me. If it spends more time in the air,  should it not land at a steeper angle, with more spin?

    No. It travels further from the fringe than the fairway, not higher, so is on a flatter trajectory. Hence more skid. Applies to chips, pitches, or flops.


    +1 I have to agree with magnets and icon on this one. From my experience i have definitely notice that flops, aswell as pitches for that matter, travel further when played from the fringe than the fairway. It may not make sense to some but it is what it is.
