wgtcaddy is free and it has a meter for every type of shot for every club, you simply type in your distances in the text file and voila.
These putter pals and other pals can cost a lot of money in the long run. I find a cut down post-it note with a few pencil marks works just as well.
I really wish they'd eliminate all those kinds of things. One of my biggest gripes is how American education sucks. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to figure out what to use and how hard to swing it if you have a 185 yard club from 172 yards out, with a 15% terrain lie, 7 mph headwind, green raised 6.
It makes me think of all the times I go to Taco Bell for lunch, something knocks out the cash registers from working, and employees just standing there looking stupid because they can't push a button and make a machine do the thinking for them.