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Fri, May 17 2013 2:08 PM (20 replies)
  • mrbear1
    15 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 12:13 PM

    Not only are the winds misleading they are inaccurate as well.  By that they indicate direction and strength but show only variation in direction never in strength.  Having played a few courses in real life mode I have never found one where the wind was always constant in direction or strength.  Another point of contention that I have is that wind affects putts on the green.  When I stopped playing live golf I was an 8 handicap and one of the windiest courses I ever played was in Oklahoma at Tinker AFB.  The wind hardly ever dropped below 10 to 15mph and I never saw the wind move a ball while it was rolling toward the hole.  Now given that trees around the green can shelter it from wind velocity, Tinker didn't have any.  Next point putts on an elevated green can be affected by wind but to a very small degree unless you are playing in gale force winds ie 17+ mph.  I've played in those also and I didn't find fun but when tournaments are scheduled you can't pick the weather.  

    One of the biggest complaints I have about this game is the inaccuracies in the shot programming parameters, and yes they are there because even in real life green to green is not the same.  Given that principle the following should be taken into account when programming.  The stupid dots showing severity of break should vary as they will not be the same on every green.  In this game the severity showing up by dot movement is damn near constant from one green to the next however the actual result is not even close.  No dot movement and there is break on a straight in putt.

    Next is the inaccuracies in distance.  I had one or more putts today that indicated various conditions and the results were directly opposite.  Why?  For instance 1 putt showed distance of 15 ft and straight in with 2in downhill slope.  I putted for the shorter distance and low and behold the barely made it to the hole.  It fell for a Birdie, a rare occurrence for me and the computer told me my putt rolled 16ft to get there.  Now there is a winner, a 15ft putt that has to roll 16ft to make it to the hole.  Remember this was a straight in putt.

    I will leave it at that.  I could go on about other areas that lack accuracies of all sorts but the powers that be don't really want to fix anything.  Thank God they got the course layouts from somewhere else because by their shot parameter programming they would have butchered the courses.  Just my opinion.

    My other pet peeves are the characteristics of the chip and pitch shots and what should happen when the shot is dinged.

    I'm done.

    If you read this I Thank You.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 1:09 PM



    3. Winds are not misleading but you are likely misreading the angles, since wind from tee is not the same wind than at the hole. That happens due to distance changes and angle of approach changes, so best way is to view both views and evaluate. If you are playing with someone else, i would also look at their shot and make judgement from it too.


    Care to elaborate? Can the direction (and maybe the speed) be different on the green, or do you simply mean that some camera angles is better than others and combining more than one view, is best?


    it's hard to give a good example verbally but I know it was shown before with images. Let me try though:

    let's use sta #7 off legend tees. say wind is 12pm from tees and you hit it and then wonder what happened... when ball lands the distance to pin on a straight line shows wind at 2-3pm. What happened was that off the tee, because the hole is not straight, the wind will slightly favor right movement  so I always assumed it's at 1pm and aim appropriately. 

    Also, intensity of the wind makes big difference... a 10mph 7pm wind is not same as 20mph 7pm wind. The ball will not fly evenly but less: ie first from 100 will not fly 90 and 2nd shot 80 yards... Second may fly 80, but will also move 10-15 yards further offline.

    This happens very often when they see 1 wind and assume it acts the same way as from tee or similar wind just with lower intensity. But, it's not true... This is especially evident if you miss 1-2 lines with the wind, it just moves much more.


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 2:20 PM

    This is what works for me on wind. On the tee, the wind does not matter, unless its left or right. The one you need to worry about wind the most is your second shot.

    Example of second shot. You got a head wind of 18 straight, and you got lets say 80 yards to hole. You would take that 18 wind as yards, and take half of 18 you get 9 yards give or take 1 yard or 2. Half is pretty good guess though. Subtract that 9 yards from the distance of the hole, and that is how much power on the club you give. 

    Same concept for cross wind. You do the opposite of the head wind. If it is 80 yards to hole at 18 wind, then you add 9 yards give or take 1 yard or 2. Do the same as head wind, but opposite way.

    If you have not a straight forward or back wind, then you do less yards. Like from 2 to 7 yards guess. This is example for 18 wind. Stronger wind will take more yardages off or gain.

    Now, anything shorter than 60 yards most of them don't use the wind as much as for 80 yards plus to about 215 yards depending on what clubs you have.

    If you are asking how I can not have such good score as I should? It is because it is a game, and I am not going to ruin my life over it. I come for fun only. I do not use a calculator.

    Forgot to mention the second shot is like the same as tee on par 3 holes.

    I might be wrong on some of this, but it works for me.

    People are not realizing when landing on a green you not facing forward every time. You could be facing back toward the tee, and wind will be opposite or to the left or right depending if you landed on side of hole. Wind is going to change.

    Green does not use wind for putting. So that makes no sense to complain about wind on green.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 2:34 PM



    it's hard to give a good example verbally but I know it was shown before with images. Let me try though:

    let's use sta #7 off legend tees. say wind is 12pm from tees and you hit it and then wonder what happened... when ball lands the distance to pin on a straight line shows wind at 2-3pm. What happened was that off the tee, because the hole is not straight, the wind will slightly favor right movement  so I always assumed it's at 1pm and aim appropriately. 

    Also, intensity of the wind makes big difference... a 10mph 7pm wind is not same as 20mph 7pm wind. The ball will not fly evenly but less: ie first from 100 will not fly 90 and 2nd shot 80 yards... Second may fly 80, but will also move 10-15 yards further offline.

    This happens very often when they see 1 wind and assume it acts the same way as from tee or similar wind just with lower intensity. But, it's not true... This is especially evident if you miss 1-2 lines with the wind, it just moves much more.


    but in absolute terms, the wind in the game is the same all through the flight? If we would use a compass and it would say, at the tee, that the wind is 138 degrees SE, then it is 138 degrees SE at the green as well?


  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 8:43 PM

    Tightrope +1

    When hitting an approach shot, I  was under the impression that the wind shown was the average wind between my ball ant the pin.  If this is not the case it would explain lots of WFTs!

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 4:10 PM


    We are still hoping for an answer here  ; )

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 5:23 PM

    In relation to wind direction and camera angles i was able to locate an old thread that might help explain.


    It explains why people complain about the wind lying so to speak.

    Also a thread about how to use the aim arc to judge the true wind direction in relation to your ball




  • gil45
    60 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 6:22 PM

    yes there are flaws in the program. take this example seven mph cross wind on no8 at bethpage  196 to hole aim 10 yards left of hole hit 180 nutral with r 11 irons hit the ding ball landed 10 yards right of the hole. now explain that



  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 7:26 PM

    b0gey  -  thank you VERY MUCH!

    Some of you 'old hands' will probably laugh at this, but, I've been trying to manipulate spin, 'off ding' positions, power and other things an effort to make the ball go where it should  -- when all I really needed to do was read the wind direction correctly ;(


  • WhittieWoods
    3 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 9:53 PM

    Were you putting with the grain or against it. That will make a differance in the ball speed even on straight in putts.