This is what works for me on wind. On the tee, the wind does not matter, unless its left or right. The one you need to worry about wind the most is your second shot.
Example of second shot. You got a head wind of 18 straight, and you got lets say 80 yards to hole. You would take that 18 wind as yards, and take half of 18 you get 9 yards give or take 1 yard or 2. Half is pretty good guess though. Subtract that 9 yards from the distance of the hole, and that is how much power on the club you give.
Same concept for cross wind. You do the opposite of the head wind. If it is 80 yards to hole at 18 wind, then you add 9 yards give or take 1 yard or 2. Do the same as head wind, but opposite way.
If you have not a straight forward or back wind, then you do less yards. Like from 2 to 7 yards guess. This is example for 18 wind. Stronger wind will take more yardages off or gain.
Now, anything shorter than 60 yards most of them don't use the wind as much as for 80 yards plus to about 215 yards depending on what clubs you have.
If you are asking how I can not have such good score as I should? It is because it is a game, and I am not going to ruin my life over it. I come for fun only. I do not use a calculator.
Forgot to mention the second shot is like the same as tee on par 3 holes.
I might be wrong on some of this, but it works for me.
People are not realizing when landing on a green you not facing forward every time. You could be facing back toward the tee, and wind will be opposite or to the left or right depending if you landed on side of hole. Wind is going to change.
Green does not use wind for putting. So that makes no sense to complain about wind on green.