Hello all and Happy Swinging from Only The Redeemed country club. I have just spring
cleaned the roster and have removed some Inactive players from the roster to make
room for some new players. We are small club and well established. All I ask of
players is to play at least one tourney per week. Whether it is a free one, or a free prize
one, or premium. This is a Christian club with good values and respectable guys to
have some laughs with and also good sound players. There are some great tips In our
forum to help the averages as well. You have nothing to lose and all to gain. come give our
club a try As of 3/1/14 all In-actives are removed again....This is the beginning of our 3rd
year, and really like to see a good amount of Growth this year. Thx to all who joined last
year. Bill B. Come check out my profile page. It really is symbolic of our club.