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Duffer's WGT Bucket List

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Wed, Nov 12 2014 5:10 PM (41 replies)
  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 12:03 PM

    I hope you all don't mind me taking up some space here for my WGT Bucket List.

    It's an incomplete list as I have quite a few, but thought I'd lay down a nice starting short list and modify over time, both adding and hopefully crossing off some of my list items.

    quite a few will involve simply having a round with players here, others are silly, others are pipe dreams, but hey.......what's a bucket list for right?

    any how, in no particular order....

    Hit the damn ding at least once per hole in any 9 hole game FINALLY!!! 5/23/13

    Play a round with Priestess (May be a Birthday Present this year :) missed another b/d lol - giving up on this dream :( Aug. 1 - 2014 - Dream Fulfilled - She and I had a match today and it was heaven on wgt :)  Ty Priestess - it meant a lot to me!

    Get a double eagle (Hit the stick on 2nd shot of Kiawah @2 - shoulda pulled pin) Got it!!! 7/19/2013 Double Eagle @ Best of Famous (congressional par 5)

    get a hole in one on Oak

    beat LC in an 18 hole stroke game (I told you some were pipe dreams) giving up on this dream too - :(

    save my pennies for an R1 (this may be the first one I get to scratch off - half way there)

    send random gift each week in May (Week 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 Done)

    become a scout (ant) on Team Yancy (resume submitted) STILL WAITING not gunna happen - deleted

    drive and hold the green on RSG #5 - completed Christmas Night 2014 :)

    shoot my first round with all circles on the scorecard (8 seems the best I can get......those pesky par 3's get me)

    play GN & S again - that was fun...first 9 holes at Marion spent with them and BB :)

    Get out of qualifying round in Mark's awesome tourney next time

    Subscribe to Andy's periodicals and one day get my name dropped, for good or bad reason lolol (going to do an address check, haven't seen my latest issue)

    Beat a anything (my 1 match victory doesn't count in my mind - danemark was tossing the match I think) Got this one done and didn't even know it lol

     9 hole round with 9 1 putts.(thanks for the tip J)

    Qualify for the '15 V-Open - '14 - 61(cut 57) - '13 - 61  - one bogey on the card and an oops for par on a par 4 and 3 missed putts i would expect to make.  Close but no cigar :)

    Win my first Ready Go 4/2/2014

    Improve Sand Saves - Goal 60% - currently 62.16 4/28/2015 58.7% 59.34% 59.59% 59.65% 59.79% 60.2

    Improve Scramble % to 70% - currently 65.2% - 65.95% 66.15%   66.58% 66.68% 67.96%  68.39%  68.86% 69.75% 4/28/2015

    (of course, if I hit fewer errant approach shots, this could take a while lol)

    Improve 1 putt % to mid 50's - currently 46.48% - 47.07% - 47.38% - 47.98% 48.17% 48.89%  49.27%  49.52% 50.15% 4/28/2015

    *added 12/4/2013 - Lower avg dist to pin from 14feet down to 12 feet - currently 13 feet - getting closers 12ft@ July 2016

    Sink a 60' putt or better in stroke play round  73 Feet 4/28/2015

    Try to understand what VEM is and learn how to cope :)  took this off - pointless to bother lol

    500 Match Play points in a month - 9/19/2013

    Well, that's enough for now, I have about 50 more things to add so far lol

    thanks for letting me take up space here, I'm open to some fun suggestions and I could name all players on my Friends list to play more often for sure.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,572 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 2:18 PM

    how about a 9 hole round with 9 1 putts. 

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 2:21 PM

    oooh, good one oej!  gunna add that one! thanks


    how about a 9 hole round with 9 1 putts. 

    I just achieved one I hadn't listed so here it is

    Eagle BP #4 (I haven't done that since tour pro)


  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 8:07 PM

    made good progress today

    - I hammered the offers/videos/surveys and sold a putter -  Proud owner of R1 Driver :)

    - random May week 1 gift

    - beat a TL (wasn't even aware)

    - played a round with GN & S ( &bb too) for the first time at Marion!  good times!

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 1:31 AM

    Hey John...........I hammered out the all 1 putts thing! If not for my tee shot on 8 I might have gotten my perfect card.

     photo First9HoleGameWith9OnePutts_zpsdcb7a185.png

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Thu, May 23 2013 5:35 PM

    banged out a couple more today - woot

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Thu, May 23 2013 6:27 PM

    I will be green in a few, lets see if we can cross off another thing :))

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Thu, May 23 2013 6:46 PM

    well done duffer, My best score ever is 29 i think as a master. Ha. I will shoot real low with r11 iron. Waiting for that day. :)

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Thu, May 23 2013 6:50 PM


    I will be green in a few, lets see if we can cross off another thing :))

    yah bruddah, i'm due for a May whoopin - call it my early bd present :)

    been too long man

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Thu, May 23 2013 6:51 PM

    my eyes seem to be aging quicker than the rest of me lol