MBaggese:Best of luck, practice with cheap balls :)
Unfortunately, you can only get a tiny fraction of real-world curve using cheap balls. Bubbadork's shot from 05.06.13 is the best fade I've yet seen, and he had only 2 mph wind so it was a real effect. He used a Nike 20XI.
IMO, this game doesn't do justice to shot shaping. 25 years ago I had a game for my Commodore 64 that did a much better job of it, Jack Nickalus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf -- though the graphics were stone-age by comparison. If a green was set up so you had a better line coming in from say 20 degrees left or right of straight in, you could hit it fairly consistently if you were very good. Inadvertently missing the center of the swing meter by a significant amount would make the ball curve off into the rough, not angle off like WGT does.
IMO WGT's physics also could use improvement WRT putting breaks; there's a similar problem where putting across a slope will cause the ball to angle off the club face, rather than start out straight and then turn as it should do. But that's a subject for another thread...