lee22sharon:I found I had no popup control, and no 100% screen.
I have gone to Maxthon 4 and I have the popup and 100% as per normal.
and MrShiner is correct, although your PC updates Flash, Maxthon doesnt. He has posted the instructions on how to do it.
Although, some of the words etc are incorrect, I will correct them here underlined.
Get the latest version of the player and download it
After that you have to go to My Computer (Your hard drive)
Look for Windows and under that look for this folder SysWow64 & open it
Find the folder Macromed open it, the Flash folder should appear - open that folder
Copy the latest flash update (Application Extension .dll file)
Now you need to go into your program files and find the Maxthon folder
Open that folder then Core then Webkit then Npplugins folders
Paste the new Flash file you just copied and rename the old one as a backup.